'You should have.' I send her a winking emoticon as I pull the bag on my back, and grab my keys. Physically ready to leave, not mentally yet.

'You off to see your girl?' She won't stop asking that, calling Amber 'my girl'.

'She's not my girl, you know that.'

'I'm fairly sure you're the only one thinking that.' Izzy is way too into romance stories, really.

'Me and her both. Which means that the two people this whole thing is actually about both don't think this is anything but two people who barely know each other meeting up and one of them helping the other with her homework.' I let out a deep sigh and pocket my phone. I'm not going to argue with her any longer. It's no use.

Last summer, when Elliot and Izzy met at AmAnime, an anime convention, it was so obvious that they only had eyes for each other. It was clear the moment they met. It was clear that they would become a couple really fast. But I'm not them, Amber is not them. We're not like that. Just because we talked doesn't mean that there is more between us.

I'm just someone who looks up to Amber for what she does, running a really successful makeup channel, and she... she just helps me out because she's a nice person.

And sure, there is the thing with me helping her pick out some makeup and then sending her new, and not exactly cheap, makeup... But that has nothing to do with any of this, right?

I don't know. I've been having a hard time reading Amber, but when I saw her interact with Luuk, I saw a new side to her, a much easier side. She seemed so much more relaxed around him.

And who's saying that those two aren't a couple already? They may just not be very touchy-feely in public, that doesn't mean a thing. It means nothing, it proves nothing.

I stop in the middle of the path down the front garden, not sure if I feel happy or sad by that thought, that Amber and Luuk may be in a relationship or not...

Izzy and Elliot really need to stop, they make me confused.


Amber asked me to meet her near the university library. I can't get into the library because I'm not a university student, but we're going to the normal library, which is only around the corner.

When I see her stand in front of the building, waiting around and talking animatedly with a group of guys, I get that fluttery feeling in my stomach again.

Luuk is the first one to spot me and waves me over with a big grin. "Hey, you're here!"

"Hi." I look around the group but they're not really paying me much attention. In the end I just end up catching Amber's eyes and she's smiling sweetly at me. "Yeah, I guess I'm brave enough to do this whole thing."

Luuk laughs. "Sure. Let's call it that, brave." He shrugs as he grins. "Me and the others are going inside, back to work. Good luck with everything." And he's off, the other two guys follow him back inside, not having said anything to me. Okay, whatever.

"Hey." Amber's voice is quiet. "Thank you for coming."

"No, thank you for helping me. I have to admit, I'm a pretty bad student. I apologise in advance." I smile at her and her smile widens as she nods, her eyes shining some.

"We'll see about that. Luuk says I'm a pretty good teacher, but then... he's biased." We start walking towards the public library, which is around the corner.

"Why is that?"

"We've known each other too long. And we were usually at the top of our grade in maths, just on different topics." She smiles softly. "I don't think you should believe the advise on teaching about something from someone who already is really good at the thing in question." She glances my way and then looks ahead again. "But enough about that. What are you good at? I know you're not good at maths, and what I understand, most numbers things, but what are you good at?"

I shrug. "Being supportive of people?" I don't know. There were few subjects in school that I was in any way 'good' at. Sure, I was in pre-university classes, I'm 'smart' but that was because the subjects I took were either ones I was only decently good at, good enough to pass for exams, and then there were the subjects I always struggled at and had to put a lot of work and time into, like maths and such. "I guess I'm a cheerleader sort of person?"

"That's a pretty good skill to have for a teacher, don't you think?" She smiles. "Probably more important than even knowing everything to is about a subject, knowing how to get people excited and interested in something."

"Really?" I look at her and she meets my eyes for a moment. "I guess?"

"Yeah." She looks to the library entrance. "Being able to support someone is much more important. Because it means you can help them get better at things, even if your knowledge doesn't reach that far, or if you have no idea about the subject at all. Helping others reach the best of who they can be is a great skill."

"I guess. I never thought of it like that." I never considered it that way, that being able to be supportive is an important skill, maybe even more important than perfect mastery of a subject.

And now I'm reminded of the way that I've been trying to be supportive of Amber, and the things I've done that I've not told her about yet. Like that I sent her the almost candy pink lipstick she's wearing today...

Things like that.

No, it's not my best skill. I suck at being supportive, because I'm too chicken to admit to doing it...

Colour Her (Flowers and Keyboards 3) {Girl x Girl} (✔ Complete)Where stories live. Discover now