
"Bitte." The woman sat down across from Jessie who took a long sip of water. Silence hung over the two.

"Wie heißen Sie?"

"Lorraine. Und Sie?"


"Woher kommen Si?"

"America.. Sprechen Sie Englisch?" The woman chuckled.

"Yes. And I already know who you are, Ms. Evans."

"You do?"

"I'm Lieutenant, was Private, Lorraine Swan of the S.S.R."

"Lorraine? You're the one who kissed Captain Rogers, aren't you?" Lorraine laughed.

"Yes, and I wouldn't mind doing so again. I heard about S.H.I.E.L.D. being compromised... I understand your arm has something to do with that." Jessie looked down at the metal she called her left arm.

"I was taken by Hydra I don't know how long ago. Steve was with me but I don't know where he is... Can I ask one question?"


"Why live out here? Alone?"

"Well, I just prefer to be alone. I'm relatively close to Berlin where my children live. The driveway is just far from the main road. I've lived here in Germany since '53, hence conversing in German, when I quit from S.H.I.E.L.D. I guess I wanted a life you could say."

"How old are you now? If you don't mind my asking."

"90. You are obviously older than you look." Jessie let out a small laugh and a smile.

"Well, yes." There was a short silence.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark put you in isolation," Lorraine spoke sympathetically. Jessie stayed quiet, observing the metal arm. She noticed the paint from the red star, replacing the blue one, chipping. "I'm sorry to bring that up. I just also wanted to mention that I was sorry for the loss of your friend."

"Oh, no- it's fine. Really... But uh... W-What friend did I lose?"

"James. James Barnes."

"O-Oh... Right..."

"How about you get washed up. I'll get you some clothes. I'm sure I still have some from probably the 50's. Would you like me to wash your uniform?"

"Oh, uh, you don't have too. It's just a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform.. Nothing special like in the 40's-no spangles. Thank you, though."

"You're welcome. Let me get you clothes then you can wash up." Jessie waited two minutes until Lorraine came back into the room with a change of clothes. Jessie took the clothes gratefully, walking into the bathroom taking a warm shower washing the dirt and grime out of her hair and from her body. Jessie was sure to be careful about washing around her arm, not wanting to injure her shoulder more. She got out of the shower after finishing up, drying herself off with the warm, puffy white towels. She put the clothes on that were given by Lorraine. It was a red cotton dress that fell down to her knees. Jessie walked out of the bathroom carrying her dirty, ripped uniform and now wearing the boots.

"You're done," Lorraine remarked. "Here's a bag for your uniform."

"Thank you, ma'am," Jessie replied taking the plastic bag and putting her uniform in it.

"Do you have anyone to contact?"

"Well, no one knows I'm here and my phone was taken from me along with any electronics that where on me at the time. But I do remember one number I could call."

"Phones on the table, dear." Jessie walked over to the table picking up the phone and dialed the number she remembered. After two rings the phone was answered.

"Stark Tower, Doctor Banner speaking."

"Bruce! It's me, Jessie."

"Jessie? Where are you?"

"Germany. Close to Berlin."

"Tony's looking for you. Do you know the exact location for me to give to him?"

"Just a house in the woods outside of Berlin. That's all I know."

"Is there anyone with you?"

"Private Lorraine Swan from the S.S.R." There was silence.

"Alright, I informed Tony of your location. He should be there soon."

"Thank you Bruce."

"No problem, Jess. I'm sure there will be some people that will be glad to see you. See you when you get back."

"See you later Bruce." Jessie hung up the phone and looked back to Lorraine who was now holding a brown leather jacket and a pair of black gloves.

"If your friend is going to be getting you, I'm pretty sure you don't want them knowing about your arm," Lorraine spoke. Jessie took the garments with thanks, slipping the jacket on.

"I don't know how I could thank you for your help, Lorraine," Jessie spoke as she gave the older woman a hug.

"There's no need. You helped Captain Rogers take down Hydra in the 40's. I'm doing this in thanks for everyone who lost a family member in that battle."

"Well, thank you, and you're welcome." A loud noise could be heard outside, like a plane or helicopter. Lorraine looked out the window.

"I believe someone is here for you." Jessie pulled the gloves on and walked over to the window and saw a Quinjet along with Tony in his Mark 7 suit. She walked to the door, her arm linked with Lorraine's as they walked out to greet Tony. "It's a good thing this house has a large backyard." Jessie giggled.

"Sorry about that, Lorraine."

"Oh, it's no problem at all." Tony walked over to them, the front of his helmet lifting up as he hugged Jessie. "So who's the handsome young man?" Tony looked to Lorraine as Jessie smiled.

"Lorraine, this is Tony Stark, Howard Stark's son."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Tony spoke as he took Lorraine's hand, giving it a small kiss. "Good to see you again, Snowflake."

"And you Mr. Stark," Jessie replied. "Thank you so much for your help, Lorraine."

"You're very welcome, dear," the 90 year-old replied giving Jessie a quick hug. "Feel free to visit if you like. And try avoiding the woods. Goodbye dear."

"Goodbye, Lorraine."

"Nice meeting you, ma'am," Tony spoke with a smile before walking to the Quinjet with Jessie who was waving to Lorraine. The fly back to New York was about 5 hours due to the speed of the jet. Tony carried Jessie to her room after the two exited the jet for she had fallen asleep during the travel. Laying her down on her bed, he took her boots, gloves and jacket off setting them on the chair at the desk. He stopped when he saw the metal arm and realized what Hydra did. He sighed before he walked out of the room and too the lab where Bruce and Bucky where.

"Hey Russian Snowflake," Tony spoke directed to Bucky as he walked into the room. "I suggest you take a different room to sleep in tonight. Jess will need her space."

"Alright," Bucky replied without any question.

"Doctor, can I talk to you in the hall?" Bruce stopped working and followed Tony into the hall, closing the door behind him.

"Something wrong?" the doctor asked.

"Hydra did the worst thing to Snowflake. They practically turned her into a female version of Winter Soldier in there."


"Not to sound weird, but just go look when you get the chance. I would say before she wakes up. When I got her, she was wearing gloves and a jacket to cover up her arm. Now I understand why."

"One bad thing after another. Guess Jessie just has bad luck."

"Guess so."

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