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This morning, I was glad to wake up to Natsu embracing me while I slept.

We're lucky only one of us drools while we sleep (me, of course) because otherwise we would have a mess every morning. Besides the already existing mess. Strewn bedsheets, pillows pushed off the sides. I don't think Natsu knows how to 'make' a bed, so it's usually me that cleans this stuff up.

About an hour later, Happy, Natsu, and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast and discussing our plans for the day.

"I think I'm going to hang out with Holly." I said, popping a strawberry in my mouth.

Natsu's face replicated his inner feelings of dislike, with him saying, "Ehhh... I don't have to hang out with Gray, do I?"

I stared at him sympathetically and he groaned.

"Do I have to come with?" Happy asked. "I have... better things to do."

"If I have to go, he does too." Natsu said frantically.

"Natsu," I sighed, assuring him. "You're going to be fine."

"No." He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.



I picked up my dishes and washed them. When I had finished drying my hands, I heard the door click open and Holly walked in, with Gray tailing behind.

"I'm off." I said to Natsu, kissing the top of his head. His hair smelled like a bonfire. "Love you."

"Love you too." He mumbled, gruffly. Gray snickered at him, and Natsu stood up fast and squared up to him.

Holly and I left and sat at a distant bench along the river.

"Did you hear anything about the Lucy situation?" She asked, eyes wide.

"I trust that he was telling me the truth."


"Well..." I said, pausing and looking around. "He had a little thing for her when they met but he definitely didn't and still doesn't want anything to do with her."

Holly snapped her fingers. "Instead of going shopping, we should break into her house."

"What?" I asked.

"I mean, is it really such a bad option?"

"Breaking and entering is against the law, Holly."

"Did she get arrested when she broke into your house?" Holly shrugged.

I'll have to admit she had a pretty strong point.

"But," I whispered. "People would see us... breaking into her house."

"Back door. Hair pin."

I inhaled sharply and looked around at passerby. Holly stared at me and waited for my decision.

"Ok. Let's go."

Holly lept up and grabbed my hand, pulling me away fast.

"Holly." I whisper-shouted. "Holly! Less suspicious please."

She stopped walking, and then continued, but slowed her pace. "Oh, right."

Honestly, if I was a random person on the street and I saw this, I literally wouldn't think anything of it.

Lucy's house was a few blocks away, and she was out on a mission, but she was returning sometime today. That part was one of the only complications (along with being arrested for B&E).

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