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When the nights started to get colder, the warmer my early morning showers and baths started to get.

When early June summer skies turned to late July evenings, Natsu held me closer when he knew I was cold, because he usually wasn't.

When the blue in the sky started to hide behind the clouds, and the sleeves on my shirt started to cover up my arms, I started to fall in love again.

Natsu took me out to lunch one day after he came home from a two day mission and I could tell he was gladsome.

We ate in silence outside, with the wind blowing my soft curls gently around my face. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and Natsu's smile widened.

"What?" I asked, playfully.

"I missed your little..." Natsu waved his fork around. "Quirks."

My cheeks flushed and I tried to hide my smile to no avail. "You're cute."

Natsu wiped his mouth with a napkin and swallowed. "Hey, I have some questions I'd like you to answer."

I paused curiously. "Okay. Shoot."

"What is your favorite color?"

"Ohhh... So just random questions."

"Ok, fine, I'll move on." He chuckled. "Who was your first love?"

I inhaled sharply and Natsu watched me, closely. "Well... In complete honesty, my mom."

Natsu grinned sheepishly.

"Oh gross. Not in that way you fool." I said, gently pushing his shoulder.

"Then what do you mean?" He laughed.

"I was in love with her." I said. "Not in a romantic way." Natsu sighed in a sympathetic manner and I continued. "As a child I loved her, and my heart broke when she was gone."

"And your dad?"

"Oh, he never loved me." I said, dismissively. "I can only love if I'm loved in return."

Natsu's fingers brushed against mine on the table reassuringly. I put some money on the table and we left for the guild.

Natsu's arm slinked around my shoulder and we walked in sync down the road at a pretty brisk pace until we started to get closer to the mansion-like building. "What do you think of that Holly girl?"

"In what way?" I asked. "I think she's lovely."

He seemed jealous. "Well, I think she's rude."

"Treat others the way you want to be treated." I said.

Natsu groaned. "She has to be nice first."

I pushed open the door to the guild and Natsu and I walked into an empty room. Almost empty.

Holly and Gray turned to see who was entering and then turned back around to their intimate comversation.

"Hey! Monkies!" Natsu called out. "Get a room."

Holly rolled her eyes and looked back at us. "What do you guys want?"

"Uhh... We wanted to invite you guys to dinner." I said, grabbing Natsu's hand.

Natsu's eyes widened and he looked down at me and said, through his teeth, "Please don't."

"Shhh I'm just trying to be nice." I mumbled back.

Gray looked to Holly and then back to us. "Can't pass up an opportunity for free food."

Holly frowned and leaned over to Gray. "Does everyone here only care about eating?" She whispered.

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