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Natsu led me to a nice little restaurant in a quiet part of town. He chose a table secluded from the rest and pulled out my chair for me.

I giggled to myself. "I only met you a few hours ago. Is this a date?"

Natsu's eyes widened. "Well now that you mention, I guess it is." We laughed and his eyes caught my gaze, flickering down to my lips every so often.

"So..." I said, sipping the glass of water on the table. "Are you from Fiore?"

He hesitated and shifted in his chair. "I grew up with a dragon, Igneel."

"Uhh... Ok." I chuckled. "I didn't expect that if I'm honest."

Natsu shrugged. "It's cool. He taught me my fire magic and then one day he just... Disappeared."


"I guess you could say we were connected. He was like a father to me."

I gave him a look of sympathy. "It sounds like you miss him."

"I do. And eventually, I want to find him, but I think I found something else." He said, scooping up my hand resting on the table. "Tell me about you. Where are you from?"

"Me?" I said. "Well, my mom taught me my magic. And my dad... Was just kinda there."

Natsu nodded.

I continued, "One day my mom uh... Well... My magic is very 'valuable' and since she had it and other people wanted it, they took her. And then my dad raised me in a magic-less world."

"Really?" He said. "I can't imagine not using magic."

I nodded. "It was difficult."

We sat in silence for a while until the waiter came over. "Can I get anything for you?"

"Uh, yeah," Natsu said. He must've pointed to a million things on the menu as I watched the waiter frantically scribble it down. Once she finished, she turned to me. "And you?" She asked, shakily.

"I'll just have some pasta." I said.

"Just pasta." Natsu said, smiling at me.

"I'll be... back with your food." She said, walking back to the kitchen and tucking her notepad under her arm.

"So you have a blue cat?" I asked.

Natsu's eyebrows raised. "Yeah! His name is Happy. Normally he would accompany me as a part of Team Natsu but he was a little tired today."

"Team Natsu?"

"Oh, yeah. Our guild has groups that go out on requests and stuff for money." He explained. "Naturally, I would assume you're in Team Natsu."

"Well who else is in it?" I asked, glancing at Natsu's fingers intertwined with mine.

"It's just Happy and I."

"Not Lucy?" I asked, chuckling. He laughed. "No, no."

The waiter came back and pushed another table into ours and periodically came back with loads of food. Natsu rubbed his hands together and licked his lips.

He consumed the food awfully fast. "Don't you get sick?" I asked.

Natsu burped heartily. "Only in vehicles."

"Oh, like motion sickness."

"Yeah, exactly."

I slurped up my last noodle and pushed the plate away. Natsu looked surprised. "Are you full?"

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