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As an early teen, it was pretty clear what my romantic type was.

I could be seen around my villa with a responsible and respected young man on my arm. Future politicians, businessmen, and doctors. But none of them gave me the thrill I yearned for deep down. Being responsible made you... well, boring.

Natsu was so far past responsible that he couldn't be trusted to take care of anything but himself and his cat. If I was younger and if I didn't know what I do now, he definitely wouldn't have even crossed my mind.

There was something I could feel from him. When I stared into his eyes and memorized the details of his face, I felt like I was sitting by a crackling fire while the calming ocean waves rolled onto the sand. His arms around me felt like a weighted blanket and were easy to relax into.

He walked behind the shops in town, avoiding the judgemental eyes of the shoppers browsing. We approached a tall building looking out into the water. It had a symbol plastered all over it and the flags waving in the wind.

Natsu must've noticed that I was confused and he chuckled lightly. "You don't know where you are, do you?"

The doors burst open and a blonde woman with sizeable [Redacted ;)] angrily stormed out. Her keys glistened in the sun as she marched towards us. 'Hm. A gatekeeper.'

"Where in the name of Aquarius have you been!" She screamed, pointing her finger in Natsu's face. He rolled his eyes and walked past her, annoyed. "Answer me!"

He turned around and motioned at me with his head. I could almost swear I saw jealously plague her face for a split second. "You can't just leave me alone like that." She pouted.

"Girlfriend troubles?" I asked.

Natsu shook his head, "She's far from my girlfriend."


"We only met a few days ago and she already treats me like it, though."

I cringed. "Sounds like a handful."

"Well..." He paused. "I don't care for her much."

I looked up to see that we were approaching a long bar. A white haired woman had her back to us and was humming softly as she cleaned some fairly sizeable mugs.

"Mira. A little help here." Natsu said and lifted me onto the counter.

She turned around and sighed.

"Wh-" I gawked. "Mirajane?"

"Oh it's so nice to have fans!" She said brightly, grabbing the first aid kit and putting it beside me.

"Wow." I sighed, breathlessly. She cleaned my wound and wrapped it tightly. "I can't believe I met Mirajane in person."

I climbed down and landed on my feet. Natsu saw that I was still a little unsteady and helped guide me to some nearby benches. A woman was sitting there, dozing off. She was beautiful and her hair was a deep red, like the lipstick I owned before all my stuff got blown up. Natsu snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Hey. Erza."

She sat up fast. "Why you stupid little-"

"Help her get the stamp." He said nudging me.

"Oh." Her drawn arm fell back to her side. "Natsu, you can't just bring in random people."

"She's not random." He said.

"He saved my life and I just... protected us." I shrugged. Natsu blushed.

"Nuh-uh!" He said. "You're being too humble. It was awesome! She put up a forcefield around us. We could've died otherwise!"

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