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Drinking your coffee you looked at Tom and Jude, they were quietly looking at the menu and talking about what should they order.

"[Y/N], they have your favorite. Do you want me to order it for you?" Tom asked. You were about to answer but Jude cut you off.

"It's a new cafe I'm sure [Y/N] wants to try their best seller." Jude snigger.

"No worries guys, I think I know what to order," you told them looking at the menu "Shall we call the waiter?"

"I will call the waitress." Tom and Jude said in union.

"Isn't that cute." you laughed "You two in sync."
Both men looked at you then at each other and back to you. They felt a bit shy for a moment then straightened up themselves. The waitress who assisted you came and took your orders.

"Would you like to have another cup of coffee?" the waitress asked directly at you seeing your cup is empty.

"Yes." Tom and Jude answered making you chuckled.

"I'd like to have a hot choco instead," you said smiling at her.

"Got it and for the gentlemen?" she added.

"Tea," Tom answered.

"Coffee," Jude answered.

The waitress repeats your order before leaving. There were awkward silent and dagger looks being thrown by the guys sitting beside you.

"So, Tom I heard that you have a new project," Jude asked crossing his arms.

"Yes, actually I have a few works lined up." Tom confidently answered.

"Too bad because of that you can't audition for [Y/N]'s movie." Jude added with a smile.

"I'm going, to be honest, I  tried to audition but just like you said because of new projects I can't that's why [Y/N] promised that she will write a script for me. So, I think that's a win for me." Tom smartly answered. It was his turn to smile.

"Really, that sounds wonderful," Jude said looking at you.

"But I haven't started it yet. I'm trying to get the right plot," you told them.

"Don't worry, darling. We are not in a hurry." Tom held your hand.

"Yes, with [Y/N] current work once it is shown to the world I am sure lots of directors and producers would like to work with her." Jude said getting your attention.

"Well, for now, I am just happy that my work is given a chance." You said pulling your hand from Tom.

This action did disappoint Tom and he felt a bit of sting in his heart but he will not let this affect him. He needed to show to Jude that you belong to him and he will not just let some man take you away from him.

You excused yourself and once in the ladies room you took out your phone and called Devon.

"And she is alive." Devon answered, "How are you?"

"Ahm." You mumbled.

"Ahm doesn't sound good. What happened?" Devon asked in a worried tone.

"Well, I need you right now. I'm having breakfast with Tom and Jude.."

"Hold up! What?" Devon cut you off.

"I'm having breakfast with Tom and Jude and everything starting to feel awkward. They started to brag about their works, who knows me better. Just few more, I think they'll start talking about who has a bigger dick." You told her.

"And you told me you and Jude are just friends." She said losing her pitch.

"We are! He is actually helping me with Tom but. Urgh!" You were getting frustrated "Can you just come and I will explain to you everything" you added with a pleading tone.

"Fine, text me where you at I'll be there in a few."

You texted Devon the name of the café then you went back to your table. Tom and Jude continued with their not so obvious argument. Now they were talking about movies. You would join the conversation from time to time and it amused you how these two can still go on.

"You two sure have different opinions," you said leaning back to your chair.

"That's what makes this conversation going," Jude said.

"It is refreshing to hear other's opinion even you don't fully agree with them," Tom added.

You may be laughing but Tom noticed how your mode changed and how you became quieter. He knew that his conviction with Jude started to make you feel uneasy. Throughout the meal, Tom was observing your actions and as much as possible he always includes you in the conversation. Then he received a text from Devon.

"Hey, idiot stop arguing with Jude and talk to [Y/N]." Tom silently read and realized that she was right. Under the table, he reached for your hand, you looked at him and he entwined your hands. You smiled at him which he returned. The two of you stayed like that until Devon arrived with her usual bright smile.

"[Y/N]" Devon called.

"Devon." you walked towards her and welcomed her into your arms "You're here."

"You owe me one," Devon whispered to you.

You smiled at her "I know, come on." inviting her to your table "Devon you already know Tom."

"Of course," she said still smiling.

"And Devon this is Jude, Jude this is Devon," you said introducing them to each other.

"Nice meeting you, Jude." Devon shook his hand.

"Pleasure is all mine." Jude smiled back at her.

Having Devon there was a good idea. She was a good neutralizer both men can help but to shut up when Devon talked. You may be a writer but when it comes to talking Devon has her own way.

"I think we should call this a day. Devon and I have things to do," you said signing the waitress for the bill.

"I will give you two a ride." Tom offered immediately and the three of you looked at him. He may not notice it but there was a satisfying smirk in Jude and Devon's faces.

"That is so nice of you but I have a car." Devon waves her keys.

"Thank you, Tom." You said kissing him and Jude in the cheeks goodbye "Thank you for the breakfast, guys. I had fun."

"We should do this again," Jude said winking at you.

"Yeah, why not," you said letting out a small laugh "Bye guys"

"Goodbye" Devon gave both men a peace sign before dragging you out of the cafe.

"Maybe we shouldn't repeat this," you told her making her laughed.

"Is having breakfast with both men who like you can be stressful?" Devon teased.

"Shut up." you playfully pinch her on the side.

You and Devon went to her boutique where you told her about Jude, about your plan on making Tom jealous. She listened attentively which making you nervous. For sure she will scold you.

"Is that all?" she asked.

"Yes," you answered finishing your story.

"First thing first, [Y/N] what the hell!" Devon put a stress on the word hell "Are you mad? I don't know if I should be happy or not. What if Tom decided to let you go?"

"That's the part I am afraid of but so far the plan is working." you told her "besides, I already told him that Jude is a friend but he doesn't believe me. He thinks that Jude has a different agenda."

"[Y/N], Darling, any men will be jealous if the girl they like is close with Jude Law." Devon placed an arm on your shoulder.

"He sure is good looking." you agreed.

"He is." Devon nodded her head.

"He is single and you are single," you said grinning at her.

"Really" Devon continued to nod her head "Hey! What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, I think you two looks cute." you teased.

"Huh! As if." Devon rolled her eyes.

|End Of Part XXII|

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