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Placing your coffee on the table, you opened your laptop and start doing your job but nothing came up, you can't concentrate. It's been days since the morning at Tom's and you still couldn't focus. Not that long your coffee was gone and you know that you need to go somewhere.

Tom walked Bobby at the park and so he can stretch his legs. It was a nice day to be out but he noticed that paparazzi were following him so even he doesn't want to go home yet, he decided to go him instead.

"Can't I have a walk in the park without being followed?" Tom said removing Bobby's leash "I'm sorry, buddy. Maybe next time we can have a longer walk." he said scratching the dog under his ears "We'll just need to think of other things to do."

What would he do? Was Tom's question that he ended up in his kitchen and checking for a recipe he can try then he noticed that his dog was nowhere to be found.

"Bobby?" Tom called but he didn't get a response "Bobby?" still no response, so he tried to look for him and he found his dog looking at his front door "What are you doing there?" he said picking up the dog "Are you expecting someo.."

Then the doorbell rang, looking at the door then back to Bobby. Tom was not expecting any visitor. Opening the door, Tom didn't expect to see you after what happened the other day.

"Hi." You nervously greeted.

"[Y/N], what.. ahm. Please come in." Tom move aside allowing you to enter.

"Thanks." you said chewing your lower lips.

"What can I do for you?" Tom asked with his soft voice.

"Don't, don't do this." you frustratedly said.

"Do what?" Tom was confused.

"This." you let out a heavy sigh.

Tom put Bobby down "You are making me confused [Y/N]" he said chuckling "Did something happened?"

"Look, I'm sorry," you said finally looking at him in the eyes.

"For what?" Tom asked.

"For the way, I acted the other day." you said staring down at the ground "I know you mean well but.."

"[Y/N]." Tom lightly places his finger under your chin and tilted your face up, so he can look at you in the eyes "No need to say you're sorry."

"Why you have to be so nice?" you sighed.

"Yeah, I heard that a lot but I didn't regret it." He response shrugging his shoulder.

"People will take you for granted." you told him.

"They will, they did and I think it will not be enough for me to stop being nice." Tom answered.

"This talk is making me feel like I'm a bad person." you groaned.

"Come here, I forgive you." Tom said pulling you into an embrace "You are such a kid."

"Hey!" you said playfully slap him on the back but he just giggled "I hate you."

"Yeah but you are the one who was apologizing to me earlier." he said.

"Don't make me change my mind that I brought you a cake." you said showing him the cake. This made his eyes lighten up "You are such a kid."

"Ha! Let's go and eat this." he said taking the cake from you.

Tom lead you to the kitchen, he was in the middle of preparing lunch so you decided to lend him a hand. You did all the cutting while he started to do the cooking and after you were done, you sat at the counter watching him. You watched how focused he was on his task, how his hand runs through his beard. You felt relax seeing this Tom in front of you. He was so calm, peaceful and so easy going. It was like, you were seeing the old Tom. The one who was carefree, who speaks his mind, the one who is never afraid to show his childish side, the one who can brighten up your mode with just smile.

During lunch, you compliment his cooking and it goes well with the wine he took from his cellar. Bobby, on the other hand, was so fond of you which Tom noticed.

"And my dog seems to like you more than me." he said as you petting Bobby on your lap "Bobby, may I just remind you that I'm your owner." Tom added making you laugh.

"Maybe he is just happy that he have a new friend." You giggled.

"He was actually watching the front door before you arrived." Tom laugh sighed.

"He must have noticed that I was there for quite a while. I was debating with myself if I should knock or not."

"Good thing you did." Tom smiled at you which you returned.

After spending the entire afternoon at Tom's you decided to go home because you still need to turn your book into a script. Just like what you did in the morning you place your coffee next to you and this time you started to type and not that long you found yourself doing a different thing. It was not the script you were working on and wrote something that you didn't expect.

|End of Part VIII|

At Dawn [Tom Hiddleston X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now