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•April 4th [4月4日]•

"welcome back!"

"welcome back!"

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Hikaru's POV

Undergoing rehabilitation really isn't easy. I wasn't paralysed, but since my body was in a bad shape for that one month lying in bed unconcious, walking became tiring.

The doctor said I would be able to walk normally later on, but rehabilitaion is required to regain my mobility.

It felt as if I were a toddler taking his first steps. Except I had support from the bars in the exercise room.

I moved my leg slowly, trying to regain the feeling of all my nerves in my leg. My toes twitched as I moved from one end of the bars to the other.

"You really are improving. You are moving faster than you were moving two days ago!"

All the hard work wasn't for my sake though. Chiharu hasn't visited the hospital in weeks since I woke up. And that was probably good thing.

With the state I was in, it felt really uncool of me to show her my rehabilitation stage.

Ayumi had concocted a 'plan' - as she calls it - and had Makabe partake in this.

I would be discharged anytime soon, and I had to prepare myself mentally for what's to come.

Yuuta had dropped by now and then to give me updates on classes and Chiharu's well being. He had pretty became a friend to me now despite everything that has happened.

As I reached for the end, I took a step down and released my grip on the bars. I stiffen my feet and locked my knees. My body shook a little, but I straightened my back, avoiding any chances of me falling either way.

For the first time in a long while, I was able to stand properly. Maybe I had gotten too full of myself, and took a step forward. The energy in my right leg left almost immediately and I crumbled to the ground.

"Looks like you have a long way to go before you can walk on your own," The nurse chuckled as she spoke.

"I know right?" I reply with a chuckle as well. Falling flat on my back, I placed the back of my hand on my head and sighed.

Well, I just hope I will be able to walk when I see her.

The nurse grabbed my waist as she escorted me back to my wheel chair.

She pushed the wheelchair as we exited the rehabilitation room.

Back in the ward

"Makabe-Kun said he would take part in it as well," Ayumi said as she placed her jacket on the sofa.

"Is that so? That means everyone has gathered. Has the class decided to participate?" I asked.

"They agreed to it. Chiharu has been supporting the class in providing the sound effects for the play they were taking part in for the school festival. They wanted to thank her for her effort. Especially since her birthday is on the second day of the festival," She said with a smile on her face.

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