"I think it's really honorable that she was able to raise you all on her own," he said. "It must've been really tough and lonely. Does your mom have a lot of friends and family? Anyone other than you?"

"Not really," he sighed. "She was an only child and her parents have already passed away. And she doesn't really have any friends because she's always working so often. She's I guess kind of friends with the lady two doors down, she feeds her cat sometimes when she goes to visit her sister in New York. But she's like eighty and isn't actually much of a friend."

"You need to set your mom up on a blind date but with someone who could be a friend," Brendon said. "Maybe all the moms of our friend group could get together for drinks or something, it would be a great way for your mom to possibly make some friends."

"Well, when I have my job as a psychologist I'll be making some better money and I'll be able to support her a little and she won't have to work so much," Frank said. "She always talked about how if she didn't work so much she would probably take up a salsa class or maybe a cooking class."

"Ooh, salsa dance or salsa dip?" He asked.

"Obviously salsa dancing you twat," Frank said. "I really wanna be able to give back to her after every amazing thing that she has done for me. She took care of me for so long and sacrificed a lot, she seriously deserves a lot for all that she does. I bought her a nice pair of earrings and I was thinking that maybe after I graduate I could take her out to a nice dinner, that's kind of what I've been saving up for. Somewhere where you have to wear suits and she gets to wear one of her nice dresses and she gets to use her nice earrings. Is that weird?"

"No, of course it's not weird to want to take your mom out to a nice dinner," he said. "More guys should be like you, actually, treating your mom with so much respect and love. It's really respectable of you, actually. Seriously, your mom is so lucky to have you and the relationship that the two of you have is so amazing."

"You think so?" Frank asked.

"Frank, any teenage boy would be dying to get out of the house and move away from their moms," he said. "Most guys are all just wanting to leave as fast as they can so they could go to college and just start partying and drinking like crazy. You, however, are still living with your mom by choice while in college and keeping your job so you could help her pay the bills and the rent."

"She deserves it," Frank said. "She's my mom and I love her a lot."

They walked towards the locker, looking around into the empty classrooms.

"You're not gonna come back from California, are you?" Frank asked.

"What are you talking about?" Brendon asked. "Of course I'm going to come back. This is where my family is and where my Ryan is."

"You're going to love it in California and you're not gonna want to come back, just admit it," he said. "Seriously, you should have a conversation with Ryan about what could happen if you decide to come back. I fully support whatever you choose, whatever makes you happiest. Just make sure that you come back and visit."

"How could I find it better there than over here?" He asked. "This is where all my siblings are and where my parents are. And Ryan, I love Ryan so much and I don't wanna leave him. We're gonna get married. He's gonna try and get an apartment sophomore or junior year of college and then once I'm done with my schooling I'm going to go and move in with him and we're planning on getting married soon after that."

"You guys have some pretty big life plans," he said.

"Yeah, of course we do," he said. "What about you? Don't you and Gerard have some pretty serious plans, too?"

"Yeah, we talk about it but we've only been together for about six months," Frank said. "I'm worry that maybe I'll say something that scares him off a little bit. I don't wanna seem, like, too clingy or eager or something. But I do want to spend a long time with him because I really do think that he is the one for me and that we can be really happy together. We haven't really talked about after college, I don't know if he's gonna stay in New York or what but I can't really leave New Jersey, I love it here so much."

"Everyone knows that you love New Jersey, I'm pretty sure if you could figure out how then you would fuck it if you could," he said and Frank hit him on the shoulder. "We all know that you're just proud of your state and your home and the place where you grew up. It's cool the way you care about your home so much. You're dedicated."

"You know, I think that as much as I love New Jersey it was pretty nice to leave when we went down to Florida," he said. "I don't think that I want to move away but I do think that I would like to travel some more. Obviously I'll have to wait a little while until I'm done with school and I actually have some money but I think it would be really nice to do some traveling. I'd like to travel with Gerard, maybe we'd go to Europe, I'd like to go on a plane. Traveling far would be cool but I also get homesick pretty easily so I don't think I would stay gone for long."

They turned down the hall, stopping outside Jamia's locker.

"Hey, can I ask a question?" Frank asked and Brendon nodded. "I know that you and Ryan have a little bit more of an unusual relationship. Not unusual like it's bad or anything, just kind of different. You know..."

"I think the term that you are looking for is kinky," Brendon said.

Frank nodded and blushed. "Yeah, well, Gerard is kind of into that too. I never really have been, maybe that's because I was always so nervous a lot and scared of hurting people. But, like, down in Florida we turned it up a notch and I kind of whipped him with my belt and I was actually into it. But, like, what do I do to...you know...please him more?"

"Just have a conversation with him," Brendon said, rolling his eyes. "You know, you can actually talk to him. I can't just give you advice on how to dominate him by telling you how I dominate Ryan. They are two different people with completely different interests. What Ryan might be into, Gerard might not be. You have to keep that in mind because I can't tell you what to do because I am trained in pleasuring Ryan, not anyone else. You have to talk to Gerard and ask him about what he's into."

Frank sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I really didn't think it would be that easy," Frank mumbled.

He put in the locker combination, kicking the bottom of it twice when it jammed before he finally managed to pry it open. Brendon grabbed a notebook, searching through it.

"Alright, this is it," he said.

Frank was about to close the locker when something caught his eye.

"Oh, what's this?" He asked.

He pushed the books aside and pulled something out of the locker.

"Oh my god, is that what I think it is?" Brendon asked. "Where's Gerard?"

"He's at Jamia's, getting ready for the dance and doing her hair," he said. "Oh god, I have to call him now."

Frank fumbled for his phone as he looked at the empty can of red spray paint in his hand.

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