Chapter 2

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I'm not able to see the boys that afternoon like usual.  Normally, after work I swing by to see how their day of building went; maybe try out their project or something, and stay for a snack.  Today though, I had to work late and the boys were already inside for the evening.  I try not to mind as I pop a plate of leftover burritos from the restaurant into the microwave.

I'll see them tomorrow, it isn't that big of a deal.  Besides, I should probably spend some time at home anyway.  Pinky has missed me a lot.  Come to think of it, where is Pinky?  I haven't seen him all day.

"Pinky!"  I carry my plate with me throughout the house as I look for him.  "Pinky?"

It takes a few minutes to find him, but I eventually do.  He's growling at the dryer again.  What is with him and the dryer.

"Come here boy.  There's nothing in the dryer."  I  coax him over and pet him on the head.  He squirms for a second, trying to get to the plate of burritos in my other hand.  "Hey, you know better than that.  Burritos make you gassy."

He seems to understand strangely and backs down.  He follows me to my room and we curl up on the bed with my laptop.  Time for another night with just me and the internet to keep me company.  


Once again my alarm goes off at seven a.m.  I roll out of bed, hitting the dismiss button as I do so.  Another day of summer.  I stretch and head to my closet to pick out an outfit.  Not that I have too many differing choices.  I know what I like and I wear lots of it.  Which is mostly pink and white.  After dressing and prepping for the day, I grab a muffin on my way out the door.  Time to see what the boys were up to today.

I take a deep breath before I put on my brightest smile and push open the gate.

"Whatcha"  I trail off when I see the backyard.  Ferb is leaning against the tree reading a book.  That wouldn't be very strange expect that that is the only thing going on in the Flynn-Fletchers' backyard.  Phineas is nowhere in sight.

"Hey, Ferb.  Where's Phineas?"  I ask, trying not to sound disappointed.

"So he didn't tell you."  He murmurs quietly.

"Didn't tell me what?"  I try to keep optimistic, but Ferb looks kind of sad.

"He's gone."  He says simply.  I panic for a moment thinking that Phineas died or something.  But then reason kicks in and calms me down.  Ferb obviously expected Phineas to have explained it to me, so he couldn't be dead.

"What does that mean?"  Annoyance slips into my voice a little, wishing Ferb would just explain.  I take a deep breath.  Pushing Ferb won't get me anywhere.  He is a man of little words and I should respect that.  Even if it is a little inconvenient at the moment.

"He left for an internship abroad."  Ferb's words take a moment for me to process.

"He just left without saying anything?  Without saying goodbye?"  I wish it didn't hurt as much as it did.  Truth be told, it feels like my heart is falling out of my chest.

"I'm sorry."  His eyes meet mine for a long moment before drifting back to his book.

"It's not your fault."  I whisper, barely keeping it together.  "Well, what are you doing today?"  

He just looks up at me blankly.  

"You aren't just going to sit under this tree by yourself all summer doing nothing are you?"  I ask, squaring my shoulders.  If Phineas can have an amazing summer without me, I can have an amazing summer without him.

Ferb just blinks at me, telling me that sitting under the tree by himself doing nothing all summer is exactly what he is planning to do.

"Come on.  Phineas isn't the only fun one in our friend group.  Surely we can still have some fun without out him."  Ferb and I stare at each other for a moment, both of us deciding if we actually believe that.

"Sure, why not."  Ferb speaks after a long pause.

"Great.  So what should we do?"

Isn't that the question of the summer.  What do we do without Phineas?


That's a wrap on Chapter 2 my loves.  More coming soon!


The Fan Fiction Goddess <3

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