Chapter 25

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"Ferb." I moan as he kisses down my neck and along my collar.

"Ferb?!"  Another voice shouts from the doorway.

Ferb immediately jumps away from me, leaving me to frantically try and cover my bare chest with anything I can reach.  I pull his pillow on top of me and peer around him to see what's going on.

Ferb and I both stare speechless as Phineas stares right back at us.

"What?"  His voice is quite, hurt and confusion on his face.

"Phineas."  Ferb starts, but his brother holds up a hand.

"No.  We can talk in a few minutes.  Please get dressed first.  I'll be downstairs."  Phineas turns and flees, slamming the door behind him.

Ferb starts letting out a long string of swears as he pulls on his shirt, tossing me mine.

"I'm so sorry Isabella.  I didn't know he was going to be coming home today.  Are you okay?"  He pulls my hair out of the back of my shirt.  His eyes meet mine and I can see how concerned he is for me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."  I'm a bit confused as to why he's so worried about me.

"Are you sure?"

"I mean, I'm not thrilled that this is how Phineas found out.  I hope he's not upset at us."  I frown, thoughts moving on to the boy downstairs.

"You're not upset that Phineas just saw you half naked?"  He asks, surprised.  I had not even thought that through.  Once he mentions it, my face burns.  Oh, God, Phineas just saw my half naked.  I put my face in my hands, eternally embarrassed.

"I wasn't really thinking about it."  I mumble into my palms.

"Oh."  I hear him shuffle awkwardly for a second.  "Are you ready to go downstairs?"

"I guess.  Do you really think he saw everything?"  I follow him out of the room.

"Would have been hard not to."  He admits quietly.  I groan and head downstairs.

Phineas is seated on the couch, knee bouncing anxiously.  I can tell his head is going a million miles an hour.

Ferb sits in the armchair and I sit on the couch by Phineas.

"So..."  Ferb starts, but is unsure what to say.

"So?"  Phineas shoots back.  "So you two decide you're together now.  My brother and my best friend.  And no one bothers to tell me!  I had to find out by walking in on... on...  Oh God."  It seems to fully hit him as he is talking.  "You guys were having sex."  He whispers in a slightly panicked voice.

"Well..."  I start as if I'm about to explain, but there isn't really anything else to explain there.

A look of pure horror come across his face.  "You guys don't do it on my bed do you?"

"No!"  I shout as Ferb calmly says no as well.

"There's that at least."  Phineas mutters.  "So how long has all this been going on?"

"Since you left."  Ferb tells him straight forward.

"Last weekend?"  Phineas blinks, trying to add it all up.

"No.  When you left for the internship."  I offer, looking up at Ferb.  He's looking at me too.  He smiles, and I can't help but return it.  I love his eyes.  They're so kind and gentle, but with just the right amount of mischief.

"Can you guys please stop for a moment?"  Phineas interrupts, bringing us both back to the converation.

"Yeah, sorry."  I blush and straighten up in my seat.

"So you guys have been together since the day I left.  Were you just waiting til I was gone?"

"No."  Ferb answers.  "It took you being gone for us to finally notice each other.  Then there was just a lot of me trying to figure out why she was red all the time.  I finally figured it out after the shirt on fire incident."

"Ferb!"  I protest, but he just laughs.

"And then you came home and messed everything up."  Ferb says dismissively.  "But apparently she was already hooked."  He winks and I forget how to breathe.  This boy.

"Wait.  So you two were already a thing... When I kissed you?"  Phineas looks at me, appalled.

"We were still figuring it out."  I admit, feeling guilty.  "I didn't know how to handle it, because Ferb and I hadn't really got to talk about things yet.  And then you were there.  And I had to sneak out the window."

"You were the secret girlfriend!"  Phineas exclaims, finally starting to put it together.

"Well, yeah.  Ferb doesn't have two of us.  Right?"  I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Of course not.  Just you."  He sighs, trying to hide his smile.

"Why didn't you just tell me?  Ferb, I talked to you about it before I asked Isabella out.  Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted it to be her choice.  I wasn't going to take away her options just because I wanted her."  Ferb explains his feelings.  "Maybe I should have told you how I felt as well.  Especially after.  But I didn't want to hurt you."

"I more hurt that you didn't tell me than by you dating the girl I love."  Phineas blurts out and I don't know what to say.  I just stay quiet and let Ferb handle it.

"I'm sorry."  Ferb says, keeping it simple and honest.

"Thanks, Ferb."  The two boys hug and after a few seconds, pull me in too.

"We're good?"  I ask.

"Yeah."  Phineas smiles somewhat sadly.  "Although maybe use Isabella's room for the next couple of days.  I'll be hear til Monday afternoon."


We're nearing the end of the story.  I hope you've enjoyed! 

xoxo <3

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