Chapter 17

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Evening approaches and I am finishing getting ready. I dress nicely as I am told, but try not to go too hard on it. It just feels wrong to let him take me on a date to just shut him down. Maybe I'll have the opportunity before we leave. Guilt gnaws at me the whole time until I hear the doorbell ring.

"You can do this Isabella." I look at myself in the mirror, straightening my shoulders. "You weren't the most highly decorated Fireside Girl for nothing. You can do anything you set your mind to Isabella Garcia-Shapiro."

I head down and open to door, revealing a very nervous and dressed up Phineas.

"Hey, Phineas." I greet him politely.

"Isabella!"  He wraps me in a hug and I awkwardly back his back.  "Are you ready to go?  You look beautiful!"

"Sort of.  I want to talk to you before we leave."  I clasp my hands together to keep them from shaking.  This is going to be so hard.

"I'd love to talk Isabella.  But is it okay if we do it on the way?  I don't want us to be late."  He beams and offers his arm to escort me to his car.

"Late.  Yeah, wouldn't want to be late.  I guess we can talk on the way."  I take his arm and climb inside the car. 

"So Isabella, what did you want to talk about?"  Phineas drives the car down the street towards downtown Danville.

"I know while you were gone, you did some thinking and figured out that I had a crush on you."  I start out, palms sweating.

"Yeah, I can't believe I never noticed."  He blushes.  "I guess I can be pretty dense."

"It's fine."  I assure him.  "While you were gone, I also did some thinking."

"Oh?"  He seems to sense the tone of the conversation.

"I took the time apart, and.... Well, moved on.  I'm sorry Phineas."

"I was only gone ten days.  Are you sure?"  He doesn't look at me, but I can tell he's a bit hurt.

"I don't think I've been in love with you for a while.  I think I just didn't know how to let go.  But some space provided the opportunity."  I close my eyes, willing myself to be strong.

"I understand.  You waited so long.  It's my own fault for never seeing."  He sighs.  "Would it be okay if we just did this one date?  Just to make sure?  Besides, I already prepaid for some of it."

"Sure, Phineas.  Let's have a fantastic night."  I smile over at him, relieved he took it so well.

The evening goes by rather pleasantly. We are able to just enjoy each others company without my nervous thoughts and hopes getting in the way. He tells me about his internship and how all of that is going. Apparently the program that took him on got more than they bargained for. His assigned project that was supposed to take the majority of the summer is already completed.

"Since I already finished my assignment, they're giving me a bit of free reign.  And also my own intern.  That's crazy.  An intern with an intern."  He is practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. "They let me have a few days for a home visit since I am so ahead of schedule."

"When do you head back?"  I ask, taking a bite of my salmon.

"Tomorrow evening.  I have an overnight flight.  It's so weird flying public after having built so many of my own flying vehicles."  He shrugs.  "But it seemed unnecessary to build something just for this."

"Makes sense."  I let him do most of the talking.  This food is incredible and the more he talks, the more I can eat.

"Oh!  I just remembered something."  His mind darts to a new subject.

"Yeah?  What's up?"  I take another bite.

"Have you heard anything about Ferb's girlfriend?"

I immediately start to choke.  I cover my mouth with army napkin gasping for air.  Tears streaming down my face, I take a big gulp of water.

"Gosh, are you alright Isabella?  Do you need anything?"  His concern is sweet.

"I'm fine."  I drink some more water and wipe off the tears.  "Just swallowed wrong."

"Well I'm glad you're okay."  He smiles and goes back to eating.  Thankfully he drops the subject of Ferb's girlfriend.  But part of me is curious.  What did Ferb tell him?  And was Ferb the one to call me his girlfriend?  Or is that just a conclusion Phineas came to after last night?

The rest of the evening goes by smoothly.  After dinner we go to get ice cream and watch a beautiful firework display he helped the city put on.  All the fireworks are my favorite colors.  Thankfully he doesn't pressure me with any date implications or anything like that.  When he drops me off, he gives me a simple hug.

"Thanks for hanging out Isabella."

"Anytime Phineas." 

"See you tomorrow?"  He asks, backing down the sidewalk.

"See you tomorrow."


This chapter was rough for me to get through for some reason. Hopefully smooth sailing from here!


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