Chapter 16

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I lay awake for a long time.  I keep checking my phone every few minutes to see if Ferb has sent a text, but nothing.  After a few hours, I end up falling asleep, phone still clutched in my hand.

I wake up in the morning to my alarm going off, and I swipe it off the screen.  I quickly check my notifications for something from Ferb, but still nothing.  He said he would let me know.  I wonder if everything is okay. 

I throw on some clothes and head downstairs.  There's a note from my mom on the fridge saying my doctors appointment is for tomorrow at two.  Wow, she managed to get me in fast.  I stuff the note in my pocket and grab a bagel  and a cup of coffee.  I guess I'll just head over and figure out what's going on.  If it was something urgent, than I'm sure Ferb would have let me know.  Phineas probably just missed his family.

I head to the front door and right as I reach for the knob, someone rings the doorbell.  My heart jumps in my chest.  I bet it's Ferb.  My face warms, and I can't help but smile.  I fling open the door.

"Hey Fer.... Phineas!"  I am both surprised and disappointed.  How times do change.  "What's up?"

"Isabella!"  He beams at me.  I have never in my life seen him this happy to see me.

"Yep, that's me."  I smile back uncertainly.  Is he okay?

"I came home as soon as I realized.  I can't believe I never noticed."  He gushes, he seems over the moon.

"Realized what?"  This is a very strange interaction.  He seems way too giddy for not working on a crazy contraption.

"How you feel about me!  I can't believe I never realized!  But while I was gone, it finally clicked!" 

Oh no. 

"Phineas I," but he jumps in before I can finished.

"I've been having feelings for you for the past year or so, too."  This boy's grin in so big you could see it from the moon.  "I'm going to take you out tonight.  For a date.  I'm so excited."

He wraps me in a hug, giving me a tight squeeze.

"Phineas!"  I try to remove myself from his arms.  "I think we need to talk about this."

"I'll see you tonight."  With that he kisses me passionately then heads back to his house.  "Wear something fancy.  It's going to be great."  He hollers across the street before going into his house.

What. Just. Happened?

What do I do?

I immediately call Ferb.  It rings.  And rings.  And rings.  After a few more it goes to voicemail.  What is up with him?  I hang up without leaving a message.  I quickly send a text asking him to call me back.

Did he think last night was a mistake?  Was he trying to tell me he changed his mind?  Confused, and trying not to feel hurt, I go back inside.

Nothing is making sense.  I need a bath.  A nice hot bath.

I run a bath with some relaxing lavender scents and step into the steaming water.  Why is basically being human soup so relaxing?  I close my eyes and lay my head back, taking deep breaths.  Time to figure some things out.

First, Ferb and I made out last night.  I have feelings for him.  I really enjoyed it.  I would like for it to continue.  Based upon what he said last night, he wanted to too.

Second, Phineas thinks I'm still in love with him, and confessed he has feelings for me.  I no longer return those emotions.  It would be unfair to lead him on.  I should probably tell him I would rather stay friends tonight.

Third, Ferb isn't contacting me back.  I've had my phone with me since the Phineas instance nearly an hour ago.  No call back, and my text was left on ready forty five minutes ago.  It appears he is purposefully ignoring me.  Why is he doing this?  Okay, possible reasons....  One, he regrets making out with me.  Two, he's stepping back for Phineas.

As soon as reason two enters my head, it makes a lot more sense.

Ferb would do anything for his brother.  Anything.  Including letting Phineas date me.  Why Ferb?  Why do you have to do this?  Ferb knows how I feel about Phineas.  He's the one who helped me figure it out.  I guess I just have to be an adult and sort this out myself.  It is my choice after all. 

I just hope I don't hurt Phineas too much in the process.


Thank you so much for readying loves.  The new reads that pop up really keep motivating me to update.


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