Chapter 13

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"Fine, I'll try to be patient."  I'm not sure I'm talking about the present anymore either.

"I would appreciate that."  He leans forward and for a second I think he's going to kiss me, but he just picks up a tiny screwdriver off of the table behind me.  "I need this."  He holds it up to my nose, and boops me lightly.

My heart is beating so hard he has to be able to hear it.  I can barely keep my breathing steady.  How is he not noticing?  Why can't I think straight.  And why?  Why does he have to smell so. dang. good. 

"Can I get back to work now?"  he asks, smirking just the tiniest bit.

"What?"  I blink a couple of times, bringing my thoughts back to focus.  "Oh, yeah, sorry."  I take a few steps back to give him room to work.

"No worries.  I didn't mind."  He turns back to his project and my brain is completely broken.  Did Ferb just... flirt with me?  Surely not.  But then again...  I watch his back muscles move as he finishes up.  He's never acted like this with me before.

I stand there, overthinking every little detail of the last couple of days trying to decide if Ferb had a thing for me.  I want him to so badly, but I also cant risk jumping to conclusions.  This is Ferb.  A misstep could ruin our friendship.  Maybe he is just being extra friendly now that Phineas is gone.  To like... I don't know.  Fill the gap?  But Phineas isn't this type of friendly to me?

"Isabella?"  I snap out of it to see Ferb very close, peering into my eyes.  "You in there?  I've said your name five times."

"Yeah, just caught up in my thoughts."  I keep my eyes locked with his, determined not to look down at his lips.  I want to so bad.  Were they soft?  But I keep my eyes on his deep blue ones. 

"It's done."  He smiles at me.

"What's done?"  I have no idea what he is talking about.  My question makes his smile grow bigger.

"My present for you."  He leans in just a tiny bit more and our noses are almost touching.

"Present?"  I whisper, barely able to breathe.  All I know is blue.

"Mmmhmm."  His voice is so sexy, a shiver runs through me.  "Do you want to know what it is?"

"Maybe later."  The words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them. 

"Later?"  He chuckles.  "Is there something you want to do first?"

Yes.  Ten thousand percent yes.

"Noooo?"  Yeah, that is not going to convince anyone.

"Alright then."  He pulls away and suddenly I can breathe again.  "If there's nothing else you want to do, then come check out your present."

I follow him to the work table, trying to pretend the last minute and a half didn't just happen.

"Here."  He wraps a harness around me and begins tightening the straps around my body.  Every time his hands brush against me it feels like fire.  He tightens the last one across my chest nearly knocking the wind out of me.  "Done."

He then picks up a second harness and starts putting it on himself. 

"So what are these for?"  I inspect the sturdy contraption around me.

"These are your present."  He finishes his harness and smiles mischievously.  "Ready?"

"Sure."  I say.  Boy am I wrong.  I am in no way ready for what happens next.  He pulls a cord on his harness and the most beautiful pair of purple butterfly wings unfurl from his back.  He flaps them a few times, raising a couple of feet off of the ground.  He reaches a hand down to me, inviting me to join him.  It feels like when I was a kid and used to have vivid daydreams of Phineas.  But this was real.  And so much better.

I locate and pull my own cord, releasing a pair of magnificent pink wings.  I can move them just like they are one of my own limbs.  I flap them, raising up to Ferb, grabbing his hand.  I hover in front of him unsteadily.

"How is this even possible?"  I am in complete awe.  I get to be one of my most favorite things.

"I was... inspired."  He laughs, looking like an angel with his wings.  "Let's go."

He starts flapping, leaving me to catch up with him.  I chase after him, starting to get the hang of it.

"Ferb, wait up!"  I soar in the sky, never having felt as beautiful or as free as this.


On to the next chapter.


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