Chapter 12

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Mom told me to take the day off and get some rest. She said I've been overworking myself this week. I suppose she's right. But the busyness kept me distracted. Now that I have down time, it's all I can think about.

"Aaghhhhh." I yell into my pillow. "Why does everything have to be stupid."

"You mean, why do I have to be stupid?" A deep voice in the door way causes me to bolt up.

"What the heck Ferb?" I throw the pillow at him, smacking him in the face.

"Yeah, I deserve that." He chuckles, picking up the pillow and tossing it back on the bed. He sits beside my and wipes his hands on his thighs. Is he... nervous? "I want to apologize. I don't know what came over me. But I was incredibly rude."

"Thanks. I appreciate it. But..." I hesitate for a moment. "Why?"

"What do you mean?" He looks at the wall, avoiding my face.

"Why were you so upset? I don't understand." My heart is beating really hard, anticipating his answer.

"Maybe I was just surprised?" He doesn't sound sure. "I mean, I didn't know you had moved on from Phineas. And those were some... strong feelings." He clears his throat awkwardly.

"Yep." A hot blush spreads across my face. 'Strong feelings' is one way to put it I guess.

"So.... Do I get to know who you feel that for?" He leans closer, smirking.

"Oh god no." I shove him backwards. "Pretty sure I would die of embarrassment." I feel like I already am.

"Well, if you ever want to talk about it." He winks slyly. "Let me know."

With that he leaves, and I'm left sitting there mouth gaping. Since when is Ferb so... cheeky. I flop back on the bed, sighing. And why did I like it so much?


Around 2pm I drag myself out of my room and grab a snack before heading across the street. Just treat it like a normal day, Isabella. It's just a normal day. The fight with Ferb is over. No reason to be nervous. I enter the backyard and see hit tightening a bolt on the project he's working on.

"Hey Ferb. What cha doin'?" I ask, hands clasped in front of me.

"We're here too." Baljeet pipes up from the right. "It's never 'what's up Baljeet?' Or 'what's new with you Buford?' Has Ferb replaced Phineas now?"

Ferb freezes mid turn of the wrench. I freeze too, embarrassment coloring my face.

"Calm down, I was just teasing." Baljeet rolls his eyes.

"Maybe it's because she's in love with Ferb now." Buford says sarcastically. Ferb chokes, and starts coughing. My face is so hot, the fireside girls could roast marshmallows with it. "What? You're not right?" Baljeet and Buford look back and forth between the two of us, confused.

"Nope. No." I try to say casually. "Of course not."

Ferb is chugging some water, but manages to nod in agreement.

"You guys are weird." Buford grunts. "Phineas leaving threw off the whole dynamic."

"I'm sure it's just temporary, Buford." Baljeet tries the reassure his friend. "When is he supposed to get back from his internship?"

Ferb holds up two fingers, still drinking water.

"Two days?" Ferb shakes his head. "Two weeks?" Another no. "Two months?" Ferb nods to this one, finally setting his water bottle down.

"He won't be back until it's time to pack for university." Ferb informs the group. "He won't be here at all this summer."

"Oh my." Baljeet mutters. "It's just not the same."

"Like I said, the whole dynamic is thrown off." Buford reiterates, pleased to be right.

"Well, our friend group isn't built on Phineas." I declare, straightening my back. "So what are we doing today?"

"I don't actually no what Ferb is working on," Baljeet admits. "I've just been hanging out."

"Yeah, I don't know either." Buford shrugs. "Didn't care enough to ask."

We all look at Ferb.

"It's a present." He doesn't look away from his work.

"Oooh for a pretty girl?" Baljeet's eyebrows wiggle suggestively.

"For Isabella." His words surprise me. A present for me? My stomach flutters with excitement. I've gotten lots of fun surprises from the boys over the years, but this one felt a bit extra special.

"Ferb, you don't need to go through all this effort for me." I walk over to him. He is still super focused on what he's doing.

"I know." He tightens a bolt with a bit of unnecessary force. Wait, is he blushing? I didn't mean to embarrass him.

"Thanks." I leave it at that. But inside I feel like I'm glowing.

"Well, I gotta to head home. It's my turn to make dinner and I am on a strict schedule." Baljeet stands up. "But tomorrow, I expect it to be my turn for a present."

"Hey, what if I want it to by my turn first?" Buford stood up to follow him out of the yard.

"Well, tough luck because I called it first." Baljeet exits through the gate, Buford hot on his heels.

"What are you making for dinner?" Buford's voice carries over the fence.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I need to know if I'm going to like it."

"You weren't invited for dinner!"

"Since when has that stopped me?"

The two kept arguing as the made their way to Baljeet's house, their voices eventually fading.  After a few minutes pass, I try and peer over Ferb's shoulder.

"So what is it?"  He's so tall I have to stand on my very tiptoes.  Although seeing the invention did not make it any clearer as to what it is.

"No peeking."  He bumps be with his hip causing me to fall back on my feet.

"But I want to know what it is."  I still keep trying to peek around him.  Maybe if I get a better look, I'll be able to tell what it is.

"Not yet."  He turns around abruptly, not realizing how close I am.  Just inches apart, he looks down into my eyes.  "Not yet."  He repeated softly, but it doesn't feel like he's talking about the present this time.


I'm having to much fun writing this.


Oh, Brothers (Ferbella)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें