Chapter 19

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The next morning, I'm sitting on my bed watching tv when Phineas calls. Determined to take my break from the boys, I send it to voice mail. Not a minute later, I get a text from him. Groaning, I quickly glance at the notification. The text preview shows the first line.

"Hey, Isabella? Is everything okay? My trip went..." the text cuts off. I reluctantly open it.

"My trip went well. I'm just a bit worried since I haven't heard from you."

"I'm fine. Im just taking a few days of me time. I'll text you after." I send back, not wanting him to worry.

"Ok." He responds and leaves it at that. I try to go back to watching my show, but I can't focus anymore.  All I can think about is Ferb.  The way he treated me after my date with Phineas hurts a lot.  I know it probably wasn't easy for him to hear about, but he also didn't tell Phineas about what happened with us.  Why does the responsibility of all this fall onto me?  Why am I the one that has to navigate the secrets between the two boys?  I wish they would just talk to each other about all of this.  If Ferb would just open up to Phineas, things would be so much easier.  But instead, here I am, tip toeing around both of their feelings. 

I get the urge to text Phineas back and tell him everything, but I resist.  Besides, I don't fully know how Ferb feels about everything.  Gosh, why is this so hard.

"Ugh!"  I roll off of my bed and head downstairs.  I need to distract myself from all of this.  I text Ginger and ask if she wants to meet me at the local pool.  She texts back a few minutes later saying she'd love to and would be bringing some of our other friends.  I start gathering my things, ready for a drama free day at the pool with my best girls.

After changing and packing a light bag, I head over to the community pool.  I snag a group of chairs and wait for the girls.  It doesn't take long for them to start arriving.  Soon there's a lovely group of five of us, laughing and talking.  It's been a while since we all got together.  I hadn't realized how much I missed it.

"Hey, Ginger.  How are things with Baljeet?"  I ask, taking a sip of my sparkling water.

"They're going pretty good!  We're going on a trip next month.  I'm so incredibly excited."  She bounces in her seat.  "I know we're still so young, but I'm kind of hoping he proposes."

This makes all of us gasp excitedly.

"Oh my gosh Ging!  That would be so amazing!  Everyone knows how perfect you two are together.  Besides, a long engagement would mean plenty of time to plan."  Gretchen gushes.

"I know!  I'm just trying not to get my hopes up too much.  We're only nineteen after all."  She blushes and smiles.  "I just love him so much."

"Awww."  Holly grins.  "You two are so cute."

"Anyways.  Enough about me."  Ginger waves her hand dismissively.  "What's been going on with all of you?"

"Well, this isn't about me really, but I heard the most crazy thing from Katie yesterday."  Millie pipes up.  "Apparently she heard from Adyson who heard from Buford, who heard from Phineas, that Ferb has a secret girlfriend!"

"No!"  All the other girls gasp, leaning in to hear more.

"Apparently, Phineas busted them doing "stuff" in their room."  Millie dishes to the group.  

Oh, sweet heaven, please make this stop.  I try to keep my expressions in check, but I'm absolutely mortified.  Apparently I'm the hot source of gossip right now.  Why would Phineas spread this information?  

"Well, whoever she is, she must be one heck of a girl to capture Ferb's attention."  Holly state, drinking from her own beverage.  "It takes a lot to crack Ferb Fletcher.  I'm just dying to know who it is!"

"Aren't we all!"  Millie groans as I sip my drink. "Isa?  Any chance you know?  You've been awfully quiet."

I immediately start choking on the drink.  I violently shake my head as I cough.

"You okay?"  Ginger glances over at me, concerned.

"Yep."  I take another sip to clear my throat.  "Yeah totally fine.  Just surprised.  I don't know anything about it."

"Figures." Holly grunts.  "I guess we'll just have to wait to find out."

At this point, they may be waiting forever.  I certainly am not breathing a word of it.  And Ferb has never been much of a sharer either.  This mess just keeps getting stickier and stickier.  Hopefully this all will pass, and things will go back to normal.  Hopefully.  

"I think I want to take a dip.  Anyone want to come?"  I ask, heading for the water.


Sorry for the inconsistent uploads.  I've been sick and that completely tanked my writing groove.  Thanks for your patience! <3


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