Chapter 23

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After breakfast, Ferb and I head outside.  The sky looks pretty overcast, so we decide to go hang out at Danville Mall.  I climb into the passenger side of his car and he pops into the driver's seat.  Before he pulls out he leans over and gives me a deep, passionate kiss.  I quickly get lost in the moment, placing my hands on either side of his face.

All too soon, he pulls away and puts the car in drive.  I don't know how he can switch focuses so quickly.  My head is still spinning from the kiss.  I lick my lips, thinking about how wonderful his feel, my mind drifting to the events of the night before.

My face heats up as I recall every detail.  Every burning kiss and searing touch.  My heart beat picks up and I can't help but wonder when the next time will be.  The thought of his hands on me sends a delightful shiver down my spine.

"Are you okay Isabella?"  He interrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah.  I was just thinking."  I mumble, embarressed.

"About what?"  He turns on his blinker, turning onto the next street.

"Oh stuff."  I wave my hand dismissively.  "Nothing really."

"Hmm."  He sounds pretty skeptical.  "Shame.  I was just thinking about last night."

I just blink in surprise at his boldness.

"Oh?"  I squeak out, my chest feeling tight.

"Indeed."  He muses, stopping at a light before turning to look at me.

"What about last night?"  I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Just how beautiful you looked under me."  He smirks at me then turns back to the road.

"Okay."  I giggle like an idiot, but his words fill me with a thousand butterflies.

"So..."  His demeanor changes, coming off a bit shy.

"Yeah?"  I ask, butterflies dissipating. 

"Isabella."  He reaches over and takes my hand.  "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Absolutely!"  I bounce a little in my seat, completely thrilled.  Realizing I may be coming off as a bit overeager I stop.  "I would love to be your girlfriend."

"Fantastic."  He grins, turning us into the parking lot. He parks the car and I go to open the door. But before I can a strong hand stops me. "Where are you going?" His voice drops lower and softer.

"In the mall...?" I look over at him, confused. I thought we were going inside the mall. The look in his eyes says otherwise though.

"It can wait for a few minutes." He reaches over and caresses my cheek oh so gently. My breath comes out shaky as I stare into his deep ocean eyes. Slowly, he guides my face to his, stopping just before our lips touch.

"Do you want me to kiss you, Isabella?" He whispers, his breath hot on my face. That last half on an inch between us is entirely too much.

"Yes." My eyes drift down to his soft pink lips hungrily.

"I'm not so sure that you do." He hums mischievously, pulling away just slightly.

"Ferb!" My voice hitches slightly, showing how much I need him to kiss me.

"Maybe if you ask nicely." Ferb holds my chin him his hand, stopping me from coming any closer.

"Please Ferb." I ask, licking my lips, consumed with thoughts of him.

"Please Ferb what?" He grins, and it hits me. He wants me to beg. He wants me to beg for him to kiss me. I flush, humiliated.

"Please Ferb.... Can we go inside the mall?" I turn away from him and quickly get out of his car. I don't wait for him and start walking to the doors. I hear him swear as he fumbles to get out and follow me.

"Isabella! Wait for me!" I hear his footsteps run up behind me, slowing when he catches up. "What was that all about?"

I stop and look him straight in the eyes.

"I don't beg on command."


After the mall, Ferb drops me off at my house. I give him a quick kiss goodbye.

"I won't be able to come over until the afternoon tomorrow. I work opening shift." I tell him as I gather my things.

"That's totally fine. Whatever works for you." He pauses as if thinking. "Isabella?"

"Yeah?" I glance up as I scoop my purse off the floor.

"I'm really sorry about earlier. That was uncool of me. I just got caught up in my head. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have disrespected you like that." His apology catches me off guard.

"Oh, thanks for apologizing. I wasn't really all that upset. It's just not something I'm in to right now." I give him another, better kiss. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay. Thanks." He gives me smile before leaning over to open my door. "Do you want me to walk you in?"

"No thanks. I'll just see you tomorrow." I know the temptation to invite him up to my room would be too strong. And I really have some things I need to get done tonight. I get out of the car and make a dash for the door, trying to shield my hair from the rain. The water and humidity would for sure make my hair frizzy. Safe under the awning in front of the door, I turn back and wave as he drives back across to his house.

I duck inside and head upstairs. I throw myself on my bed and think about everything that's happened. I'm Ferb's girlfriend. I had sex with Ferb Fletcher. Life sure does change quickly.

After a few moments, I drag myself off the bed and start gathering my laundry. I've been neglecting my chores for the last few days, and I'd like to do everything I can to be on mom's good side before she gets home.


Thank you so much for the reads and votes!


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