Chapter 8: " I Bit Her..."

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*Alyssa's POV*

"Cordelia try this on we don't have much time.." I was taking Cordelia out with me for the first time. We're going to a club that's going to be infested with bloodsuckers as she likes to call it. I want her to look like one of us. " Yes bittchh.. You look stunning."

"Does Zacari know you taking Me out." She said laughing. "He does not have to know everything we do." I said winking and laughing at her. "He gone kill me if he see me in this, but I do look cute nie." She said flipping her hair and twerking a little bit.

"Okay girl." I said laughing with her. We picked her out some heels, and we paid for them. We were giggling, and making jokes while walking out to my car, and I began hearing footsteps behind us.

I turned around , and there were a group of guys walking up to us. One of them said "where you pretty ladies headed .." he stumbled while speaking so I could tell that he was drunk.

Cordelia then blurted out "somewhere that you assholes aren't !" I giggled. He grabbed Cordelia's neck with a forceful grip and he slammed her onto my car. I bolted over to him and grabbed his neck and squeezed making his bones pop. I looked back at Cordelia and she was unconscious and bleeding.

I touched her neck to check her heart beat, and it was barely there. I Squeezed his neck while he squirmed in the Air. I put my other hand on his forehead and twisted until I heard his neck pop. I dropped him as if he was a ragdoll.

I looked at the guys behind me and hissed at them. My eyes turned red , and they ran off. I heard one of them say "what the fuck is she.." I ran to Cordelia and picked her up. I looked at her while crying laying her in the back seat. " what have they done to you ?!?"

I had blood all on my clothes. I got in the car and sped off. I began calling Zacari. "Please pick up ......" I got no answer. I punched and broke the driver side window while yelling "fuck!!" I looked back crying " Cordelia I'm gonna get you some help i promise."

I pulled up to the house, and i got in the back with her. I opened the back door of my car and I yelled. "LEONE.., LESTANT, Somebody!! Please." I heard the door fly open and i saw Emily and Leone run outside.

Leone made it to the car first he looked at all the blood and mumbled "Shiiit ..." i started crying harder and Emily came and got me out of the car. Lestant came running outside. He and Leone carried her in the house. Emily ran in behind them screaming " Leonardooo !!" He dashed from the back room.

"Shittt.. what happened ?" I began explaining to them what happened. Emily looked in sympathy " so you killed him ?" I nodded reluctantly while kneeling beside Cordelia. " Let me check her pulse..." Leonardo said moving us out the way.

He looked up , and shook his head no. " Oh god.." Emily mumbled.

*Zacari's POV*

I was running through the woods with the ring and roses i bought Cordelia. I got outside the house and started feeling a sharp pain in my chest i looked up and whispered " Cordelia .. no." I burst through the door seeing everyone standing there.

Everyone started moving out of the way. I seen a trail of blood leading to a foot with the anklet i bought. I dropped to my knees crying.

Emily ran over to me, and tried to calm me down. I looked up and screamed so loud it shook the house. I looked at Alyssa and I darted over to her, and grabbed her by her neck , and i slammed her into the wall.

" what the fuck did you do... i don't have anything and you took her away from me." Leonardo ran to me saying "Let her go .. it wasn't her fault." I let her down and she replied crying "I'm sorry.."

"What do we do ?" Lestant says. "There's one thing that must be done to save her." Everyone looked at me. "No, i can't do that .. i just can't !" Leone walked from behind everyone saying "you don't have to ... i bit her already." He said looking concerned

"You ANIMAL!!" I said running to him. "Zacari! Stop .. it was the only way to save her ." Rosaline said holding me back. "What do you care .. you hate her." She smirked "i care enough to
Help her ass live." She started shaking on the floor.

I ran to her while she trembled. She was grunting as if something was hurting her. I grabbed her hand, and whispered to her. " shhh .. just let this happen it's for your good baby i promise." I cried while i watched her change from an innocent girl to a lifeless, bloodsucking animal.

I didn't want this , but there wasn't any other way to save my love. She became very cold and out of no where she stopped moving completely. "What's happening ?" I yelled .

"I'm sorry .." Leonardo said picking her up carrying her out the room. I can't believe this happening to me. I would never wish this pain on anyone. I swear i feel like i am about to lose my fucking mind she was my life, my everything.

I got up walking out the house crying in a trance.

*play song here*

*Carvena's POV*

I was getting worried i hadn't seen Cordelia in 3 days, but every once in a while I'll see Zacari walking around. I was walking to my room and Zacari was waiting at the door.

He has tears in his eye with Cordelia's Jacket in his hand. He looked me in my eyes and his eyes was yellow. He walked up places the jacket in my hand. He hurried downstairs, and out the door. I fell to my knees in front of the door crying.

Zach was walking by and ran to my rescue. "What's going on?" I held up Cordelia's jacket covered in blood and he gasped and replied " no .. hell no it can't be man no." He held me while i cried my eyes out.

We got up and reported this to the counselor and they told the police and so on. We began hanging poster up of her everywhere . Everyone continually asked questions but i became silent.

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