Chapter 2: Hungry Eyes

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*Zacari's POV*

I was looking at this dude with his hands all over my sisters ass . I darted across the room and almost ran into this girl I had been constantly seeing And smelling her scent all day and I stopped and looked at her for a second and I farted up to the guy and picked him up by his throat.

"Listen to me you ignorant fool, the next time I see your hands wander across my sisters body again.." I start squeezing his neck making his bones pop. "I'll break it next time." I dropped him on the floor and Alyssa replied "nice going jackass." I looked back at this girl and I grabbed Alyssa and we left.

*Cordelia's POV*

I don't know what  his problem was but he has serious issue. This guy has the strength of Hercules. The whole party was still silent from the altercation. The music began slowly increasing in volume, and I broke the silence in my group. "Guys who the hell was that and what the hell just happened?"

Carvena looked at me with a look of confusion. "Cordelia sweetie that is the Zacari Volturi .. most people say he and his sister are apart of this coven of vampires that are somewhere in the darkest and coldest depths of this place." I looked at her with eyes filled with fear " my dad told me that story .. so it is true.." Carvena nodded quickly "oh yes sweetie it's true."

"Can we go now I'm getting creeped out." Carvena ,Darnell, and Zach replied "way ahead of you." We all giggles and Zach grabbed my hand and we all bolted out of the party and we started on our way back to our building because we all had got spooked by that whole altercation at the party so we all just wanted to be in our rooms. Carvena then stated "Hey Cordelia Darnell is staying over, if Zach wants to stay it's perfectly fine."

Zach was replying "oh it's okay I can go-." I cut him off by putting my finger over his mouth. "Yes he will be staying ." Zach looked at me and smiled. We got back to the room and Carvena nor Darnell could keep their hands off each other. So me and Zach just walked in my room and I shut the door.

"Wow, it looks really nice in here." He said looking around in amazement at how organized and neat everything looked. "Thanks." I said blushing. I pulled a bottle of Hennessy from under my pillow and I took a huge ass gulp. I smirked and handed it to him. He took a huge ass gulp as well.

"I'm about to change turn your head." I said giggling.   He smirked and turned around I threw on a pink sports bra w/ matching shorts and thigh high sock and I was braiding my hair down while turning around saying "you can turn around now ." He looked and me and bit his lip.

God knows Zach was fine but he was not about to get anything from me . I don't give it up on the first date honey. Unless I'm super horny and I'm not. I looked at him just standing there. I replied to him "get comfortable boy." He smirked and said "sayless." He took off his shoes and his pants along w/ his shirt. He only had on some very attractive underwear.

His body was so sexy and it looked as if he was just covered in chocolate. I turned on the TV to distract myself from his body. He came and laid behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I snuggled into him and we watched the ring together while he wanted to watch me instead.

I felt the Hennessy start to hit me and I turned around to him and I buried my head in his chest. I started kissing his neck while he gripped my waist tighter. "Lia you straight?" He asked looking at me .

*Zachariah's POV*

I don't want her to think I just want her for sex because I don't honestly. I really can see myself dating her. I'm not gone lie now the liquor kind of getting to my junior down there. Especially after she kissed my damn neck man, but I'm gone fight it as much as I can't.

One thing I'm afraid of to is being attached . I'm a whole ass virgin out here . I know that was probably surprising but it's the truth. I've had oral but I've never penetrated anyone. As bad as I want to I can't do none with her well at least not right now. I'm a gentleman, but let's get some straight I'm definitely
Not scared to do nothing but anyways that's some I can't tell her.

She cut me out my thoughts by kissing me on my lips. I tried resisting her kisses but her lips was soft as hell and I ain't gone lie I loved the way my body felt against hers. She kept kissing me until she kept rubbing on my body. Her hand met my junior and she looked at me biting her lip. "Zach..." She said whispering my name.

I looked her in the eyes and she kissed me again. This time I could not contain myself. I rolled on top of her she wrapped her legs around my waist while we deepened the kiss.

*scroll to the top then swipe left and play the song here *

I switched it to pandora and played what was first on the list. She continuously gripped my face while we kissed. I got off her and sat up. "What's wrong ." She said sitting up beside me. "I have to tell you some Lia." She looked at me concerned "what is it Zach?" I was embarrassed but I let it out "I'm a Virgin."

She smirked "I was hoping you would say something first so I wouldn't have to." She put her head down slightly blushing. "So am I ." We both laughed as we laid back down cuddling. She smirked at me and replied "your such a gentleman." I smiled and she blurted out "I can tell your not like other guys." I blushed a little.

I smiled and kissed her neck. "Watch T.V. Lia." She smirked and we watched movies until we both fell asleep.

*Carvena's POV*

(Next Morning)

"Yesss Nell .." I said after riding my 2 orgasmic wave this morning. He lifted up and kissed me while he moaned. "Damn babe." He said while collapsing on the other side of the bed. We both got up and went to shower after we got out I got dressed for my first class. Before I left I opened Cordelia's door and her and Zach looked so cute cuddled up.

Darnell ran to the door and whispered to
Me "my bro probably beat ha shit up." I giggled and replied " I bet you he didn't .. it ain't that type of party." He laughed and got dressed as well. I walked over and Gentley tapped Cordelia . "Honey wake up its our first class day."

Cordelia hopped up and exclaimed "shit I woke up
Late." She exclaimed. "Got damn." I heard her repeatedly say "just great Cordelia , just great."

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