Chapter 14: Surprised !!

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* Cordelia's POV*

"Where IS HE !! ."  I started looking at things and started setting them on fire. As quick as I started the fire Zacari put it out . "CORDELIA !! Stop ittt ..." he bear hugged me, & just held me. "Look I know how that feels. I never told you about what happened to my mom because it was always something that I didn't want to talk about." I immediately cooled down because no one has ever heard the real story about what happened to his mom. "My Mom was taken by them as well, but the only difference is .. I never saw her again."  He sat down with his back turnt to me & I saw him wipe his face .

"I - ." I couldn't say anything , because if something happened to my dad nothing would stopped me from killing them ..I felt an over taking strength that took me to a different place in my mind & then I heard a familiar voice "is that so .. you must forget I can hear everything you think .."

* Zacari's POV*

"CORDELIA !!" I kept screaming. She was standing there with eyes black as the night while squirming like she was uncomfortable . I walked up slowly , & placed my hand on her shoulder . Cordelia come back to me was all my thoughts said. I felt her soul , & I slowly inhaled , & envisioned myself walking her back and suddenly she took a deep breathe , & I looked at her , & she had returned to me. I could see how terrified she was . All she could do was tear up , & fall straight into my arms.

I literally felt her being tortured , & I couldn't do anything about it  except pull her back temporarily. "I know baby." I held her while she cried. " I will never let anything happen to you." I said holding her. "Promise ." She said looking up into my eyes while tears rolled down her cheeks. "I promise ." I said bringing her up to my lips for a soft peck.

I held her resting my chin on her head letting a tear fall . "Whatever hold they have on you .. I will break it I swear."

We heard footsteps approaching & I got up & wiped her face . "Your going to be okay ." She smiled & hugged me again. "Guys we have to train NOW ." We both looked back to see my sister Alyssa approaching us . Cordelia & her ran & hugged each other. "How have you been hun." Cordelia nodded her head not good. " I already could feel you sweetie Before I even walked in , but please trust me when I say we will do everything in our power to make sure no harm comes to you or your family." Cordelia looked extremely relieved .

"I think I'm okay now .." she said smiling while looking back at me . " I love you Zacari." She said . I kissed her & slowly released my lips from hers slowly looking into her eyes. " I love you too ." She looked back at Alyssa & said "where's my sweet baby .. I would love to see her face." Alyssa smiled & gestures for us to follow her . " you guys are going to be extremely surprised when you see this." Cordelia & I looked at each other kind of confused . "What do you mean?" I said raising an eyebrow. She stopped & looked me in the eye & said "what I mean is she growing extremely quickly ... her power is immense .. endless power.. she absorbs energy." Cordelia looked at me "wait so you mean she is even more powerful than the volutri."  She said sounding concerned .

Alyssa smiled & said "Babe the whole vendetta operation can't hold a candle to her."  Cordelia stepped between Alyssa & I "I hope you guys aren't expecting my daughter to fight this battle alone because she is just a little gir- Alyssa interrupted her "I beg to differ .. she is not just any ordinary little girl anymore." We stepped foot in the room & Alyssa shut the door & left us as we stood there confused until.

*play song here*

"Daddy ?" I heard a much more mature voice call out to me. I turned to see a beautiful young lady who had to be no older than 18. I couldn't believe this person that was standing before me could be my newborn daughter that I just had grew accustomed to. I looked her in the eyes & saw a tear fall whenever she glanced back at me . I slowly saw her eyes fade from yellow to blue. Cordelia & I walked over to her comforting her. "Oh my sweet baby girl ." Cordelia said while we held her in for a group hug. We let each other go due to her wincing like she was in pain. Cordelia kicked down the door yelling Alyssa's name.

"Alyssa or someone please help something is going on with MACEY .." Leone was the first to arrive, following Alyssa , and then rosaline. "Where is she ." Leone said running in the room . She collapsed on the floor landing on her back while Leone caught her head right before it hit the ground.  "Reach in your my backpack & grab that bag of blood. "It hurts so much .." Macey said while gripping her stomach in pain. "What is going on ?"  Zacari said bending down beside Leone . "Why do you need blood." Leone held up his hand signifying us to wait. There was nothing that could take Leone's attention off of her."  Alyssa & ros both comforted Cordelia & myself.

*Macey's POV*

I'm in excruciating pain, & I can tell by the looks on my parents face that they are concerned.  I don't know how to tell my parents a lot of things I am already aware of . One of those things being that I've located a couple of Lycans better known as werewolves. They work for the vendetta , & they found me when I was out hunting for food & tried to hurt me but I got away. I ended up meeting "the revolt," which is like a resistance against the vendetta . The Revolt is where I met Titus Volturi.. one of the head members sons. He told me about this thing you may heard of called Imprinting.

Pretty much what I'm trying to say is he imprinted on me . Which ultimately keeps his parents from hurting me , & it compels him to protect me no matter what. Thing is he's just like me , he has a dad whose full Lycan & his mother who is human.  Crazy right , like how can the bloodsuckers be penalized for having relationships with mortals , but the dogs can do what they want.  " here mace sip on this ." Uncle Leone handed me a bag of blood with a straw in it. As much as I hated drinking blood I had to, because my throat started feeling like it was burning for it. I could feel the heat sensations building up in my throat as the fumes from the blood made it's way through my nostrils .

I slowly sipped & slowly became relaxed when the burning sensation went away.  I stood up quicker than I ever had before . "GOD that was fucking refreshing."  I said smiling . "Language little lady." Zacari said smirking at her .

"Mom & Dad?" I said looking at them "there's a lot I have to tell you."


Meet Macey

Macey Wright

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Macey Wright.

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