• Choke •

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I was asleep. The cool air wisps through my slightly cracked window. I shiver, feeling that the night air has definitely dropped in temperature over the last few hours. I created open an eye, waiting for my surroundings to become clearer before sitting up in my bed. My hands rubbed up and down my arms, my fingertips grazing over plenty of goosebumps due to the cold air outside coming in.

After regaining my balance, I planted my feet on the carpet and stood up. I made my way over to my window, stumbling over things on the floor because I can't see through the pitch blackness that was my room. I finally reached my window, I gripped the ledge of the window and tugged down to shut it. Before I could completely shut the window, I felt a cool crisp air brush pass my nape.

I was startled, shaking, afraid that I may not be alone in here. I spun around quickly, squinting my eyes to search the room. I muttered in confusion under my breath when I didn't find anything out of the ordinary. I turned around slowly, resuming to what I was doing before. The window shut completely and I began to drag myself back to bed. I felt so groggy and tired, my mind still half sleep.

I comfortably laid back down in my bed and pulled my blanket up to my chin, snuggling under before my eyes drifted closed and I began dozing off.

*Click* *clack*

My consciousness was awaken by a strange sound, yet I kept my eyes closed and just listened with my ears. It didn't sound threatening, so I thought that maybe it was just house settling noises. I turned to sleep on my back.


A cool breath sounded through the air, I felt the huff fan over my face. My eyes snapped open for now I was afraid that there might actually be another presence here with me. What I saw chilled me down to the bone. My nerves shook with shock as anxiety flooded through my veins.

There was two dark eyes, dark rings circling them both, piercing through me. They rested upon a pale face. I couldn't stop the fear bubbling in my bosom, the feeling erupted from deep down and up out through my trembling lips. I tried to scream with all my might, hoping someone would hear, but nothing came out, not a peep. That's when I realized I couldn't move my lips, I couldn't move anything.  I couldn't budge. My legs, arms, head, abs, nothing would respond to me.

I looked this dark, frightening creature in the eyes for a period of time, my whole self stunned. I began to feel a feeling of despair, a feeling of sorrow and shame, tears edged my bottom lids from the terrifying feelings growing inside my soul just from looking at this thing.

Suddenly, my breath was cut off by the darkness strong hand gripping my throat, squeezing very tightly until I could literally feel my windpipe almost being crushed. Fear stampeded through me, I thought now was when I die. Until the hand abruptly let go.

I opened my eyes,  which I didn't even realized I closed until now, and the creature was standing at the foot of my bed. My body was tingling as I began to regain control of it. Once I had full control again, I quickly sat up and scooter to the back of my bed, trying to avoid getting close to the darkness.

It was a large dark figure, muscular in stature, but the breaths leaving its lips told me that it has a deep heavy male voice. 

I tried to gather courage to ask this thing what it was and what it wanted from me, but fear is an interesting thing, for I find myself not being able to do or say anything at all. I was still stunned by fear, my heart pounding in my chest as I stared at the dark figure. My lips trembled when I opened them, my breath shallow.

"Wh-what d-do you w-want?" I stuttered, finally gathering  the courage to speak. The darkness said nothing for a while. Finally it began to speak, its voice was disorienting and very deep.

"Sweetheart. Do not be afraid." He spoke. For some odd reason, his words soothed me.
"I am not here to hurt you." He smoothly spoke, and my tension began to settle.

"Who are you?" I asked more confidently.
"You don't need to know right now, sweets." He muttered as he moved close to me. My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat when he moved beside me.
"Calm." He said and my tension instantly melted from me.

What is this being?

He sat down beside me, my whole room was completely dark and black.
Now that he was closer to me, I could make out how the figure looked. It was actually a man... His jawline sharp and stubbly. His eyes enveloped in a dark ring, but a pretty onyx color regardless. He was very handsome, his dark lips looked very soft. His hair, a dark black floof framing his face, covering his left eye. He had on a trim and neat black suit. Looked very formal,  as if he wasn't from my time period.

"Little (y/n). You have pleased me thus far. I would like to make amends with you my dear." He deeply rasped, yet I wasn't sold. I looked at him sideways.
"You haven't even told me who you are and you want to do what??" I asked, very puzzled.

"Okay. If it calms you. My name is Dark, my dear. I am from a demonic realm, but do not worry. I do not wish to harm you..... Unless you give me no choice." he said the last part with a purely evil, chilling undergone, it made my  feel very uneasy. He's not someone you would want to piss off.

After a few minutes, I gave an answer. A dumb one, but I was too scared to say no to him.

"Okay... " I whispered quietly, regretting it, but also very curious as to what he wanted with me.

"Great." He said with a deep chilling voice.

All of a sudden, when I blinked my eyes for the first time, now that I felt less threatened, he wasn't there upon opening them. He vanished.

I looked around my room, finding that it wasn't as dark anymore, matter of fact, the sun was just starting to rise. I shook the last chill down my spine before finally laying back down and trying to rest my eyes again...

Maybe this is just a dream...

I thought to myself. Hopefully it is.

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