Chapter 26

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"Elsa, don't do this." I plead with her but find my pleas to be useless. She paces in front of me as we stand in the 'execution room', or tent. Her eyes flick between me and her murderous hands. "Please, I love you." I mutter. How ironic is it that the guardian of love lost the ability to love?

"You're lying," her voice almost wavers.

"I'm not! You have to believe me," I say struggling to freeze the chains around my hands.

"And why should I?" she looks as though she's attempting to seem vicious but what I see is an innocent curiosity, fearful almost.

"Why shouldn't you? You show up here with no memory and believe everything that Hans tells you?" I say. "You believe him?"

"I-I don't know what to believe!" she throws her hands up before retreating them down to her forehead.

"Believe in me, believe in us, Elsa." I want so desperately for her to give in, but even if she does- she has no memory of me except for the corrupt images Hans created.


Astrid works to explain all the teller told her but struggles. I place my hand on her shoulder and she calms a little.

"Elsa or Jack have to be the one to kill Hans. If anyone else tries, Pitch will just possess their body." she says

"What? Why?" Merida asks.

"Because the Teller doesn't like Hans. She told me she casted the possession spell in such a way that it could be broken." Makes sense.

"So that's why he's hypnotized Elsa.. she can't kill him if she 'loves him'. But what about Jack?" Rapunzel says quietly.

"I don't suppose he'll allow Jack to live," Flynn mutters more but I can't hear him over Merida's sigh of distress.

"This is a mess. Jack's going to lose everything," Astrid mumbles to me, both her arms wrapped around one of mine.

"No," I say and she looks at me confusedly. "he's not."

With that I turn and scale up on top of Toothless before shooting off into the sky, Astrid close behind.


"How can I believe something I have no memory of?" Her hostility has shifted to distress and utter confusion.

"I will give you the memories, Elsa. We met at a camp weeks ago and the second I saw you I knew that I needed you. Of course you sort of ignored me when we first met and I'm convinced you only talked to me out of pity." I crack a soft smile. "But then as we continued to talk you grew fonder of me.. and one night we went to the beach and-"

"Beach?" she tilts her head. I reflect to when she had said she'd never been there.

"It's like the fjord." I think that's what she said. "But anyway, I kissed you there. Told you I loved you because I really did- I do. I love you more than anything." I stumble over my words. "Hans loved you too but he never had the chance to love you like I had." Like I had. Will I ever have the chance to again?

"I'm done listening." I can see her beginning to come back. "I can't listen.. I can't-"

"I need you," I huff. The darkness hiding behind her masked emotions is lightening.

"You... need me?" she asks.

"Yes, yes I do! El, come back,"

"El.." the word stands out to her. Im not sure why, it's just a nickname I've taken to calling her. "Jack..." she looks at me. "Jack,"

"What?" I ask slowly.

"It's me, Jack. It's me," she stumbles, hiding her head. "I remember,"

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