Chapter 2

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When they said 'bright and early', they really meant it. It was hardly the crack of dawn when we were summoned by the silence shattering sound of a horn. The other boys stirred lightly, but I shot straight up and banged my head on the ceiling at the sudden noise, sending Flynn into a fit of laughter.

"Not used to being woken up by a horn, are you, Frost boy?" he manages the words in between chuckles.

"Not really." I answer, laying back on my bed to slow my pounding heart.

"Well, we need to be at main camp in like 30 minutes." Hans says, sliding out from under the covers and beginning to dress himself. We all do the same, except for me seeing as I hadn't had to change a day in my immortal life thanks to the guardian 'power' or whatever the heck it is I posses.

"No harm in being early, is there?" Hiccup shrugs when we are all ready in 5 minutes flat. We all agree and set out for main camp, allowing the quiet and knowledgable Hans to lead the way through the dim forest. Who knew a place like this existed in the middle of town, inside an office building? Some Calyx Camp for the Gifted or whatever being inside this place called Aora in a non magical town..? My life gets more and more confusing by the minute.

And then something happens that twists it more. I make eye contact with a girl when we reach main camp. There's a heavy tug at my chest when her crystal gaze locks with mine and practically sways me into a trance. She's beautiful. Her hair is platinum blonde and tied neatly into a low knot, her fair skin and rosy cheeks giving her the cold vibe like me. Maybe she's a Frigus, also?

Ah, what does it matter, anyway? She's probably a royal and I'm a walking dead man who freezes everything. Also, from what I've heard a Frigus is really rare.

We all gather around on logs that we suppose are chairs in a circle around a large fire pit in which a small flame flickers. A guy who I assume is the headmaster stands in front of it, greeting people as they flow in steadily. I keep glancing at the girl who sits on the opposite side of the fire, right next to one blonde girl with endlessly long hair and a red head. They talk lightly, but she seems nervous- like she's not used to this.

"Welcome to the 20th annual Camp Calyx for the Gifted," The headmaster speaks loudly, silencing everyone. "I see some familiar faces and some not so familiar faces here. For those of you who don't know me, I am Ace, the 'headmaster' as I call myself." He grins and a few chuckles spread throughout the crowd of shifting teenagers. "During breakfast, today's schedule will be posted on the wall by the doors. I will tell you it now, just to make it easier, however." He stepped to the side and took possession of a piece of paper from what looks to be an assistant.

"6-7: breakfast, 7-9: company assignments, 9-10: company meeting, 10-12: camp games, 12-1: lunch, 1-3: free time, 3-4: tracking, 4-6: combat.."

"Combat?" I mutter to Flynn who sits next to me.

"Yeah, you didn't know that this camp is to prepare us to guard the ungifted?" He asks me under his breath.

So let me get this straight: I'm at a camp to prepare myself to protect the 'ungifted' as he calls them, or just regular humans I presume. I'm already a guardian... but I guess there's not much I can do now.

"6-7: dinner, 7-10: dismissal, then lights out. Are we clear?" Ace asks the crowd who all replies with a 'yes' in unison.


"Come on! Let's go get spots for breakfast!" I stand and grab Elsa's arm, as well as Merida's.

"How are you so perky so early?" Mer yawns tiredly, lazily jogging behind me. I shrug as we walk through the doors to the dining hall, discovering that we are the first here. I silently applaud us for being so quick.

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