Chapter 7

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"A prophecy?" Flynn gasps as the crowd disperses. "We've only been here a few days and there's already a threat."

"What are Elsa and Jack going to do?" I worriedly sigh. I don't want either of them getting hurt, even though I don't know Jack that well. But still. I watch my feet as we all stumble across the gravel, heading towards our cabins. Lights out us early tonight due to the previous events of today.

"They're going, no doubt. Jack would never turn down an opportunity to save others." Hiccup says and everyone mumbles agreement. We part ways and I find a strange tug in my chest as Flynn walks away. I shake it from my head as Meri and walk through our cabin door to find Elsa in her bed, sniffling.

"El," I whisper to find that she's asleep. She's crying in her sleep. "Elsa." I say again but she doesn't move.



"You think you're so special because you have your own prophecy, don't you?" This unfamiliar bully hisses, the venomous words seething through crooked teeth. I'm not sure what company he's from but he sends off vibes if heat, causing me to shrink back against a tree. I just wanted to get to breakfast without relying on someone else but this isn't the case I guess.

"No," I mutter.

Wait, this is the guy that burned me. Even though the pain is gone, the formally scorched skin begins to ache again.

I'm fine.

"Don't lie," he roars, pushing me back. "you're just going to kill us all with you're curse, you know that? You're an outcast. A mistake. You will never be wanted by anyone. You'll only be used and you're dumb enough to believe you're actually loved. I overheard your lover boy saying so." each word is like a blade cutting deeper into my skin. It hurts more than any physical injury I've been put through.

"No he didn't." I weakly defend although I'm not so sure. What if he is using me? I hardly notice when Jack bursts in front of me and pounds him back. I didn't even realize I'm on the ground until he looks down at me.

"Back off!" Jack growls at the guy, anger lacing each word like I've never heard before. I haven't ever seen him lose his temper this much.

"You're girlfriend is a fault of the universe. Her uncontrollable curse will kill us just like it almost did to her kingdom."

"Say one more word and I will literally saw your limbs off in the most painful way possible." Jack threatens and the guy leaves us a little too quickly than he would've liked. He looks like a coward. I feel like I'm staring at Jack's back for hours until he turns around and helps me up. I shy back away from him nervously.

"Elsa," he whispers. "what's wrong?"

"I-is it true?" I stutter.

"Is what true?" he tilts his head confusedly.

"I'm a mistake." My voice breaks. "I don't belong here, I was right. The prophecy is wrong-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down," He steps closer and I back up again, my back against a tree. "I never said that, Elsa. You have to believe me."

"I don't like trusting people, that's why I'm alone always. And I was wrong to trust you. You're using me..." I ramble nervously, my confidence that he'd built up collapsing like a skyscraper in an earthquake.

"I'm not using you. I mean it, darling." he pleads but I shut him out. I can't risk a glance at him or I'll surely be lost in the same trance as before, making me believe I love him. I don't. He doesn't love me. It's a lie.

"I can't," I struggle.

"You-you can't what, Elsa?" His voice cracks. He knows very well what I'm saying- he's just putting up an act to make me think he really likes me.

Maybe he DOES like you, idiot.

I shut my subconscious out. I can't resurface those feelings.

"I can't be with you anymore. I just.." I trail off.

"You just can't get over your strange lack of trust towards anyone? I don't get it. I've given you the best past couple of days without any reason to let you down. Why would I use you? What could I use you for? I really loved you." Jack heaves. "Until you can see that, I can't be near you. It's too painful to see you and not be with you." And with that he storms off, freezing the hand of someone who tried to talk to him.

I stand wide eyes and nervous, stumbling back. I don't realize I'm crying until Hans walks by and gasps. "Are you okay?" he questions immediately, crouching next to me. When I don't reply, he wipes my tears away,

the way Jack used to.

Used to.

That hurts my chest in indescribable ways. I would take third degree burns all over my whole body over this.

"What happened?" his voice shatters my depressing thoughts and wishes of death. "Did Jack hurt you?"

"No." I chide. "He would never hurt me."

Silly little girl, he already has.

"What happened then?" he seems let down almost. It's just my imagination, I'm sure.

"I think he broke up with me."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did he say why?" he asks carefully. I watch the way his soft eyes scan my face. His hair is styled perfectly which is confusing because the Calors got up early and did morning exercises.

"I doubted him. Someone told me he said he's using me and I believed them for some reason." I huff sadly and he thinks for a second, glancing at the ground.

"This isn't going to be easy for you to hear, but he is." I choke as he speaks. He really did!? I'm so confused right now. "He was telling me that he thinks he's found a way to harvest your power for himself. I was actually just coming to warn you." he says definitely and I feel the tears intensify. I'm forced to go on a quest with my ex who supposedly has been using me?

How could I be so stupid?

(Leave comments please :) hope you liked it!


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