Chapter 59: The End

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About one year ago, the red Rogues reeked havoc upon all Soulless kind.

The Council building was burned down, many were injured, others tragically died.

But all that is far behind us now.

Things are better, so much better.

Now, it's Christmas, and we're at Hana's place to celebrate.

Orin and I have our own place, much bigger than the old apartment and much cleaner too.
Though he insisted on bringing the old couch with him. I refused to let him put it in the living room, but he keeps it in his personal space for comfort.

The Council are thriving, Bri as one of the most popular high Council members, right alongside Asher.

Soulless are given much more freedom than ever before, our own jobs, great homes, real lives.

While Asher is part of the Council, it no longer means he's trapped in some little office all day.
Instead, he runs the local daycare. Looking after all kinds of human children, as well as Mia, who's taken quite well to her new life as his adopted daughter.

Alvy couldn't stay put for long. Turns out him and JD got surprisingly close during their short time together. After retrieving his old van, Area 52, the two of them set off travelling the world.
We get post cards from them all the time.

Jed runs the now most popular safezone around, he's created the ultimate Soulless getaway all by himself.
Carmichael moved there permanently, enjoying his days of what he calls 'retirement'.

Tanner and Mammoth found themselves a place in the city, the two of them work in one of the local café's together. Hana and I go there all the time and chat.

Bri still keeps up work at Jack's, but she's hired Bea, Tess and Red to take care of the place when she's busy with Council matters, as well as making it a place where families can go together and enjoy a nice meal, though it was still a club at nighttime.

Confinement has been completely removed. Instead, we have regular Soulless councillors who help those struggling as well as a more dignified way of dealing with criminals. Since Soulless can't go to a human prison, there's a small area of cells in the Council where they can serve their sentences. They are fed and taken care of efficiently.

Liam opened his own tea shop, the locals love it, they say its the most elegant place around.
Hana has finally taken to selling her wonderful paintings all over the world.

"Ooh! Alma, look!" She cheered, jumping onto the sofa beside me and throwing the paper in my face, "Local police Chief Egan solves another case! He's really doing well for himself, isn't he?"

"We should visit him at the station again soon, I heard he's had some renovations done."
I smiled as Liam passed me my third hot chocolate.

Hana's Christmas tree was huge, touching the ceiling and beautifully decorated with gold and silver. She had refused to let anyone help her in case they ruined her vision.

Small, paper snowflakes attached to the string hung from the ceiling all over the house while the real snow carpeted the ground outside.

"Alvy said they'll back by January. It'll be great to see them again."
Liam spoke, tidying the table.

Hana and Liam were dressed as Mr and Mrs Claus. I had a snowy, light blue Christmas jumper while we forced Orin into a reindeer one.
And with a little argument and struggle, even got him to wear the cute little antlers with small bells.

Atlas had been given a soft collar made to look like a Christmas wreath, he looked absolutely adorable in it.

We all snuggled together on the sofa and watched a few Christmas movies before giving out presents.

It was so nice and warm happy, it practically felt like a dream.

"So...lovebirds. When's the wedding, eh?"
Hana grinned, eyeing Orin and me sat awfully close together.

"Well we, I mean, we're not quite...there'"
I blushed.

"Shut up, Hana..."
Orin said, turning away.

Soon after, we started giving out presents. Liam gave Hana an abundance of jewellery, all of which she obviously adored. She had bought everyone new, beautiful clothes. Hana could always pick the perfect outfits.

Orin opened his smallest present and lifted it up, looking confused.
"...keys? Uh...thanks."

"What kind of keys are they, dummy?"
Hana asked, looking smug.

It took him a moment, but Orin's face quickly lit up.
"Wait, are you serious?!"

"Check the garage."

I followed Orin as he ran outside, pulling the garage doors open.

"Holy shit!"
He gleamed, hands on his head.

A sleek, beautiful black car greeted us both.

Atlas barked happily, jumping inside and wagging his tail.

"Oh my goes topless..."
Orin said quietly, trying to hold in his childish excitement.

He adored that car, he drove it everywhere.
Every day after, he took perfect care of it, making sure there was never a single scratch or bump.

While I sat on the steps of our new home, watching him polish his precious car with that adorable grin on his face, Atlas happy as ever in back as he does...

I almost can't believe how lucky I am.

After so much hardship, all those struggles, the fights, the fears...
We made it through everything.

I have the greatest life, the most fantastic friends.
More than I could have ever asked for.

And I just knew the future would bring only more excitement, only more amazing things.

I knew Kaya was watching me with a smile.

I knew my family was proud.

Orin, Hana, Liam, everyone I loved.

We could take on the whole world, so long as we had each other.

And how could I ask for more than that?

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