Chapter 3: Struggle

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"So wait, the pills fix our bodies? How does that make sense, what's even in them? Why do our bodies deteriorate like that? If we're supposed to be so powerful, why do we depend on pills to stop our bodies from shrivelling up? If I hadn't taken the pill, what would have-"

"Okay, okay, Jesus Christ, take a breath...I think you've asked enough questions for now...shouldn't we move onto something else?"
Orin groaned, rubbing his temple.

"But I still have more to ask! Like, how many Soulless are there in every country? Do we spread out or all live close to each other? Are there whole buildings just for-"

"Listen, newbies don't normally hang around this long, you're lucky I haven't kicked you out already. I teach people to skip, answer two or three difficult questions, support through the emotional trauma and send them on their way."

" teach people to...skip? Like, the bouncy walking thing?"

Orin's head lifted up and his expression changed.
"Ha, not quite. Skipping..."

Suddenly, Orin was gone and I felt hands on my shoulders. Embarrassingly, I squealed once again and my body slammed down against the sofa in panic, slapping at the figure behind me.

" that."
Orin grinned, grabbing my wrist before I could hit him.

" really were just blinking in and out of reality...I wasn't just blanking out?"

"Not quite. Now come on, up, up. You gotta try."

"What? Are you crazy, I can't just do that!"
I argued, flailing my arms around while Orin dragged me from the sofa.

As if I weighed nothing, he pulled me across the stained carpet and placed me down in the kitchen.

"Just focus on where you want to go, and..."

Orin appeared on the other side of the room without moving, just suddenly there like he teleported.

"See? Easy. Now you give it a go."

"I don't understand. Just focus? What does that even mean? How can I just focus on defying the laws of physics?"

"Listen, you gotta start getting used to things being like this. Trust me, it'll make life so much easier in the long run."

"Right, the important life skill of popping up and scaring people..."

" know, most newbies aren't like this. They're either super excited or breaking down in the corner. Not treating it like a chore."

"Well, you can't be that great at teaching then since I have no idea what I'm doing."
I grumbled.

"It's easy. And it should just come naturally. Believe me, most people get it on their first try."

Letting out an agitated huff, I uncrossed my arms and bent my knees, staring as hard as I could at the other side of the room.
Just focus on it...and...

I launched forward, landing flat on my face.

"...and others fail miserably."
Orin chuckled, helping me up with a smug expression.

"Ugh, screw this. Why would I even need to jump ten feet? I have legs, I can just walk there if I need to."

"You'd be surprised. You actually get a lot of use outta skipping."

"This is so dumb..."
I sighed, slumping down onto the sofa.

"It's not dumb. And it's necessary. All Soulless skip."

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