¦Chapter 20¦ For The Cause

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- Hana -

"So, where's your boy at now, huh? You're never here in the daytime..."
Heather asked, leaning in close to the mirror as she applied pink lipstick.

"At work. They've got him for most of the day. Really wish I knew what they made him do in that place...working for those crooks must be the worst."

"Uh huh, yo, you got any blusher on you?"

"Um, lemmie check..."
I fumbled around in my purse, checking the pocket I always kept spare makeup.
A girl's got to be prepared.

I threw the blusher her way and she caught it, eyes still on the mirror.
"Thanks, Han. Say, why don't you come on out with me and my girls if you're not doing anything? They're all cool, what do ya say?"

"No thanks, I'm just gonna wait for Bri. You go have fun."

"Suit yourself."
She shrugged, slipping on her sunglasses.

Heather's shirt was such a bright pink, it almost matched the dye in her hair perfectly.

"Just text me if you get bored, I'll come grab you. We still gotta have a girl's night, you can't say no every time. Talk later."
Heather waved behind her as she walked out the door.

I much preferred the club in the daytime, the place was empty.
It was so peaceful compared to when it opened at night.
No lights blinding you, no music blaring in your ears.

I mean, there was music. But it was some classical piano piece playing from JD's phone while he mopped the place, humming along to the tune.

Sat up on the bar, I swung my legs to the song as well, keeping a hand on my purse where I'd stashed the droplets. Unless Bri had been wrong, it should have been the very last batch.

No droplets anywhere else.
All of them stashed away in the safe.

Rather than being abused by Rogues or lower class Soulless, they were being taken slowly to just be rid of them, used as a cheap high by the club goers who paid the ridiculous price.

Soulless spending hundreds on one, tiny ball of blood, I just didn't understand it.

Obviously it wasn't just any blood, but still.

Initially, they just froze the stuff. But once people realised they could make a profit, they began pumping that shit into little dissolvable balls, similar to the plastic-like pills humans took.

And by people, I mean Rogues.

Only fools were stupid enough to deal with Rogues.
You could get yourself killed for just seeing one and not reporting it.

And only a Rogue would ever think to make those stupid droplets.

I remember how disgusted I was when Bri told me how they were made, what they did to produce such vile little...

But you can't stop whatever goes on in the world.
I wasn't part of it and I didn't want to be.

But I wanted to help the Rebellion in any way I could, and if it meant getting droplets out of Rogue hands, then so be it.

Though the idea was foolish seeing as Rogues were the one who could make them in the first place...

Still, the money was good. That mattered too.
I still had to work out a date...

"Hey Han, want a drink?"
JD appeared beside me, grabbing himself something from the fridge.

"Uh, sure. No alcohol yet, it's too early."

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