Chapter 46: Sound The Alarm

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"You can't just keep us in here! Who authorised this?!"
Orin yelled through the bars to the guards walking past.
None of them paid any attention to him.

We'd been thrown into a tiny cell, way too many of us crammed into a small space.

I couldn't believe what had happened.

The Council, shot dead before our very eyes.
By Ethan.

It didn't feel real.

Everyone ran for the exits during the panic, understandably, they were terrified.

But the guards wouldn't let anyone leave, they forced people into secure locations and wouldn't say why. Because there were only a few small cells for select use, most people ended up locked in empty office rooms.

I didn't know where Hana was.

I didn't know if she was safe.

Alvy was panicking, his breathing was fast and he continued to pace, even with what little room he had to.

Bri was in the same place as us, sat in the corner with an unreadable expression.

She was the Rebellion leader, yet Hana was trialled.
Hana was put at risk.

"So, are you going to explain what the fuck your little plan was?"
I sneered, pushing through the others to her.

She didn't answer me.

"Asher knew this trial was taking place, so did you. You planned this, didn't you? You planned for them to take Hana in your place!"

"That isn't what I was doing..." She breathed, rubbing her temple, "I never...Hana was simply supposed to be a catalyst. I never intended to put anyone in danger. If I came forward as the leader, we would never have had an opportunity to speak for ourselves, an opportunity where all high Council members were present at once. I needed someone else in my place because they would have killed me on the spot. If I had any idea that this was going to-"

"Why didn't you say anything?! This all could have been a million times easier if everybody knew what was going on! Why the hell would you keep this to yourself?!"

"Alma, listen to me, this was the safest way to-"

"Safe? Does anybody here look safe to you?!"

"Hey, calm down..." Alvy soothed, putting his hand on my shoulder, "Getting angry isn't going to fix anything. Maybe we can-"

"It was Ethan."
I hissed.


"He was there, I saw him. He was the one who did it, who killed them. That stupid fucking cop ruined everything!"
I yelled, punching the wall beside me as I felt my eyes burn.

Loose rock fell from the crack I'd created in the concrete while a small droplet of blood slid down my knuckles.

"No...why would he..."
Alvy murmered to himself while I desperately tried to catch my breath.

My hands were shaking and my head throbbed painfully.

I was losing it.


I slapped Orin's hand away before it reached me.

"I just need some breathe..."
Panting, I pushed past him toward the corner, ignoring the judgemental mutters of the other Soulless as they moved out of my way.

My mind already going haywire, the next thing to happen only made things a thousand times worse.

The guard patrolling paused in front of the cell, glaring into the tight group of helpless Soulless.

SOULLESSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz