Chapter 44: Out Of The Blue

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"I can't believe's bullshit, absolute bullshit!"
Orin hissed as he paced across the room.

"Calm down, stressing about it doesn't help. Besides, it's clearly just some sort of mistake. And if it's anything to do with the red Rogues, we can help explain."

"Yeah, Hana's awesome. There's no way this is right. We have to get her out of there asap."
Alvy agreed with me, sat on the sofa with Atlas on his legs.

"But Alma, you heard Asher the other day. He mentioned a trial. Something just doesn't add up..."
Orin had his hands on his head.

Very early that morning, the Council had caught Hana, locked her away and were holding a trial for her in the afternoon.
They didn't say why.

I didn't know how Soulless trials went, and Orin had never been to one. Apparently, it was serious. They hadn't done something like this in many, many years.

Had Hana known this was going to happen?
Is that why she was so off the day before?

But she would never just let someone lock her up for no reason, that's not like her at all.

She's strong, brave, resilient.
She wouldn't give up like that.

"I swear, they say they're going to lock her away or anything like that, I'm climbing right up their stupid fucking desks and tearing their faces off!"

"Then you'll cause more trouble. No, you have to stay calm, alright? We're only going to make things worse for Hana if you start acting out. We'll defend her and if they don't agree, we just have to keep pushing. We know she isn't in the wrong."

"Liam isn't picking up his phone, do you think he already knows?"

"Of course he does, he's probably there already trying to sort things out. Look, just stop panicking." I stepped forward, pushing Orin's phone down, "Everything is going to be okay. We'll get through this. All of us."

Orin stared into my eyes, taking a long breath.
"'re right."

"Ooh! You two are in loooove!"
Alvy sang.

"Seriously not the time, Alvin."
I glared.

"Ah, scary serious voice...okay, you're right. I'm sorry, I'm just worried too. Hana was cool with me, even when I was complete dick to her. She was the first Soulless that made me think you guys might be okay, Dainan too. She's a real diamond in the rough."

"You're damn right she is. And that's why were going to sort out this whole misunderstanding and get her home where she belongs."
I said, looking through my clothes.

"So, I'm going too, right?"
Alvy asked.

"What? Humans can't get into the Council. They'll smell you right away."
Orin spoke, filling Atlas' food bowl.

"No they won't! Ethan and I got in there before!"

"That's right, when you shot those two innocent men."
I frowned crossing my arms.

"Hey, Ethan did that. I didn't want him to."

"How did you get in anyway?"
Orin asked.

"Well we just...uh...ooh, you might not like this now that I think about it..."

"Spit it out, Alvy."
I ordered.

"We were working with the Rogues, you know, so...they gave us Soulless...blood. To put under our clothes. To hide our scent."

"Jesus christ..."
I turned away, trying not to imagine it.

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