Chapter 5: Strangers

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"That'll at least explain why you had your fingers in my mouth when we first met..."
I grimaced, shuddering at the memory.

"Oh, be quiet. I didn't realise you were so clueless at that point."
Orin huffed, shuffling through his DVDs.

"So wait, every Soulless's teeth can be different? Are some like shark teeth?!"

"Uh, no, that's not quite what I meant. It's just that we all have varying levels of sharpness. Some can bite straight through solid metals, some only enough for meat, they all look pretty similar to normal human ones though. Your teeth should be fairly similar to the one that infected you. That's the case usually anyway."

"I see..."
My eyes followed Orin as he walked across the room, slipped the DVD inside, hit the DVD player a few times so it started working and sat down on the sofa beside me.

" this what you do all day? You just sit around and watch movies until someone else becomes a Soulless?"

"Yep." He breathed, itching his neck, "It's not exactly a common occurrence either. Things are pretty boring around here, so don't look forward to anything."

Unsure of what to say, I tried to focus on the movie. Some sort of crappy, cheap action flick with way too many explosions.
"Um...didn't you say you were going to teach me some skills?"
I reminded, desperate for the tense air to change.

"Sure, but that was before I put the movie on. Now shush, I like this part."

With a sigh and a grumble, I leaned against the arm of the sofa, forcing myself to watch whatever contrived, man-pleasing crap was playing.

Orin didn't even seem to be paying attention, his eyes drifting between wandering around the room and gently beginning to close.

Was he really that tired?

" know, if you want to sleep, you can just say so. I don't mind moving from the sofa if you want to lie down."

"No, don't bother. Hana and Liam will be over soon and I'd rather be awake when they arrive. So let me enjoy my movie for a little longer, would you?"


He grumbled, dropping his head to the side and looking at me.

"I want to ask...what are the pills for?"

His expression changed, just for a moment into something I couldn't quite put my finger on before he sighed and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"You really want to know? Right now?"

"No better time than the present..."
I shrugged, echoing his line from that night.

He glared at me from above his hand.
"'s, uh...well...haven't you noticed something odd since you've been here?"

"Quite a few things actually, yes. One of them being that I'm apparently now an immortal creature of the darkness."

"Okay, first off, not immortal. Not at all. We can die like any other person, just not from ageing, so don't go putting yourself at risk doing anything dumb. Second, when were you last hungry?"

"...b...before I took the that I think about it, the hunger just immediately went away when I did."

"There you go then. That's what it does."
He huffed, falling back into the sofa and resting his arms over his eyes.

"But I thought you said the pill fixed my body? That's why it stopped being all pale and-"

"Soulless can't eat normal human food, it's like poison to us. Most liquids are fine, as long as the ingredients are natural and you don't have too much."

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