Chapter 2: Victim

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Darkness. Again?
I was beginning to get sick of this.

I must have been in some sort of loop. Waking up over and over and over again. Cold, aching, heavy, confused.

But...there was no rain. It was dry.
I was dry.

And it was so quiet.

Though my mind screamed DANGER in bright red letters, I forced my tired eyes open and glanced around.

A room? No, an apartment.
From where I lay I could see a small, round table and TV in front of me. Behind that, a small kitchen with dirty dishes cluttering up the sides. Once teal walls now with mould growing in the corners, windows with blinds almost completely sealing the light trying to claw its way in from outside.

Now questioning my sanity, I pushed myself up to look behind me. I had been laid out on a black sofa, my clothes completely different from what I'd remembered last. Now some loose jeans and an oversized grey hoodie with questionable stains.

Behind the sofa, I could see a red door on the right, the wood in the corners chipped and its paint peeling.

Another cheaper door I assumed lead to some kind of bathroom. Other than that, it seemed to be empty space. Filled only by piles of books and DVDs all stacked against each other by the wall. A pile of dirty clothes occupied the last corner, I could smell them from across the room.

I rubbed my head.

My hair was still damp.

How on earth had I gotten to such a strange place?

"Come on, Alma...pull yourself together..."
I whispered into the silence, racking my brain for all the details of what I could remember.

A nasty old man, a rude receptionist, the kind officer...then...


The front door struggled open, someone I didn't recognise stepping inside.

In a blind panic, I ducked back down, for some reason hoping he hadn't seen me.

Who was I kidding? I was right on this person's sofa, of course they were going to see me!

I had to figure out a way to escape, I had to get back to the road and find out if officer Egan was okay, I had to get to the station and...and then...

"Oh, you're awake."

My body jerked back into alert mode only to find the stranger leaning over the back of the sofa, staring down at me with an empty expression.

"Man, I thought you were out for the rest of the night. Oh well. I went out and got some drinks. Wasn't sure what you like, obviously, so I had to get a few options. This tends to be the stuff newbies like, it's not too harsh. Also all I can afford, I'm afraid. Oh, and the beer is mine, so keep your hands off it."
He spoke casually, dropping a shopping bag onto the small table and walking through to the kitchen, stretching his arms above his head.

Did I know this person?

He was acting like I did...

I didn't recognise him.
He was a short boy, barely taller than me with healthy, glowing skin and messy, dull brown hair.

He slid the coat from his arms and threw it into the corner, adding to his already vile collection of clothes in dire need of a wash.

"There's a shower through there if you want to freshen up. Feel free to use the TV, though I doubt there's much on there you'll enjoy. I've got plenty of DVDs. And of course, help yourself to the drinks."
He continued, beginning to look through his draws.

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