¦Chapter 57¦ Waiting

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- Hana -

We thought it would be impossible.
They were stronger, faster, more blood hungry.
They had been feeding on helpless humans for decades with only the hope of becoming more powerful, more effective killing machines.

As the last Rogue fell, I couldn't help but feel my eyes well up with tears.

The standing Soulless erupted into cheers, throwing their guns to the ground and embracing.

But of course, this wonderful feeling couldn't last for long.

Several screams sent everyone's gazes up toward the roof of the Council building where Alma hung from the edge, held only by a gravely injured Orin.

The building was on fire, there was no way for them to get down from there.

Both of them were trapped.

I ran forward, pulling off my jacket and throwing it over my head as I pushed the doors open.

"Hana, no!"
Suddenly, Liam appears behind me, pulling me away.

"Get off, Liam, let go of me!"

"No! You're going to get yourself killed!"

"Alma and Orin are trapped up there, they're going to die if I don't do something! Just trust me this once!"
I begged, pulling away from his grip.
As I did, Ethan and Alvy ran ahead of me.
We all had the same goal.

The place was completely destroyed, we had little to no time before the whole bank would come crumbling down on top of us.
But we had to take the risk.

I didn't know this part. All the Soulless knew was the underground area, the Council building. The bank above was only ever used by actual humans.

The three of us rushed through the doors at the side, ignoring the crumbling walls and pushing forward up the stairs.

The smoke was intoxicating, even when I held my sleeve over my mouth, I could taste nothing but ash.

The bright orange, red glow hurt my eyes, the heat surrounding my body as I skipped ahead of Alvy and Ethan, knowing I could make it there faster than them.

Running down the final hall, a large chunk of the wall fell down in front of me, collapsing straight through the floor below.

Though I worried about Ethan and Alvy behind me, I had to press forward, using a skip to jump over the hole and continue forward.
One more flight of stairs and I could see the hatch to the roof, they were so close.

But the walls were high, no ladders nearby, and I couldn't reach the hatch to open it.

As I cursed beneath my breath, I felt my body lift up, looking down to see Ethan hoisting me onto his shoulders.

"Go! Pass them down to us, quickly!"
He yelled, Alvy looking terrified stood behind him, coughing into his shirt.

I scrambled onto the roof, calling out to both of them.
They both looked like they were in bad shape. Alma helped me carry an unconscious Orin over to the hatch where Alvy and Ethan carefully took him before she fainted herself, the injuries and smoke getting to her.

We got her down as quickly as we could, Alvy carried Orin while Ethan carried Alma. I lead the way, knocking as much rubble and debris out of our path as I could.

It wasn't an easy trip down, the floor crumbled beneath us several times, but we kept our wits about us, all staying calm until we were out in the fresh air once again.

The Soulless worked together to dispose of the Rogue bodies, carrying them away to the woods in any vehicle we could find and creating a mass grave where they were burned, truly gone for good.

SOULLESSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz