¦Chapter 43¦ Escapism

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- Hana -

My hand brushed across the table as I walked past the mirror.
I looked a mess.

All the papers were in my bag. A few basic things I'd need and another bag with a few clothes.
There wasn't much else I could do.

Rubbing the tiredness from my eyes, I stare into the mirror.

Are you really doing this?

Do you realise what you could be doing to him?

Liam is in bed, I can see him in the mirror. Fast asleep and peaceful.

I'm saving him.

I have to do this, there's no other way.
It's just like Bri said, everyone will get hurt if I don't leave. Liam's position with the Council, my involvement with the Rebellion, it's too dangerous.

But could I really bring myself to leave him?

I slowly tie up my hair. A long, black sleeved shirt, boots and jeans. Simple, basic.

My hands were shaking as I paced across the room.

I had to leave soon, the transport would be right outside any minute.
I had to pull myself together.

It was still dark outside but I could hear birds chirping. Birds always loved our garden.
He and I worked so hard to make it as beautiful as it was.

Peeking through the window, I can see all of the flowers. Each one we planted together by hand. Every morning he would water them, brew us both a coffee while I slept in. Every morning he'd wake me with a kiss, hand me my favourite mug and smile.

I had been away already, I knew how hard it was to be apart from him.

I couldn't do this.

Kneeled by the bed, I watched him breathe for a moment. So quiet, he could have been dreaming about anything.

He'd usually tell me all about his dreams. In great detail, like he was reading a storybook. He was so cold and quiet to others, but I saw the brightness and the brilliant imagination inside of him.
He'd always been interested in writing, but the Council took up too much of his time.

I was certain he could write the most amazing story.

Standing up, I kissed his head as lightly as I could and picked up my bags.

Hesitating in the doorway.
My chest was so tight, I could barely breathe.

This is crazy.

I slipped outside and, sure enough, the car Bri had promised was waiting for me.

Inside, the driver didn't say a word and neither did I.
My heart was thumping hard against my chest.

I stared at the house until it was out of my sight, my eyes sore from refusing to cry.

It was too late now, I was leaving.
I couldn't go back.

Leaning my head against the window, my life went through my mind, playing out like the highlights of a movie.

The day Orin saved me from the Council, the day he introduced me to Liam. The day we went on our first date and I told him how I felt, ecstatic when he felt the same way. The day we got our home, decorated it all by ourselves. The day I painted my first painting.
Finding Orin in a state and comforting him. Learning about Orin's past. Learning about his and Liam's history. Meeting Heather, then Bri. Learning about the Rebellion.
Going on my first mission.
Killing my first Rogue.

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