✧ epilouge ✧

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it's been 2 years

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it's been 2 years.

namjoon had been suppressing his heats ever since he had begun therapy. he thought it was a stupid idea from his therapist until he actually had a panic attack during his first and second heat after coming home.

the therapist told him the rape would be a main factor of him suppressing his heats. with so many people touching him during his heat, it reminded him of everyone touching him while he was raped and his therapist told him he would probably have a panic attack whenever too many people would touch him at one time.

but that was over a year and a half ago. he knew his first heat wave would hit in about a day or so and this time he trusted his pack members.

the boys had been out on a mission, leaving namjoon home alone. not necessarily alone because there were about thirty two guards roaming the house to make sure namjoon was safe and would only leave when yoongi had told them too.

namjoon knew his pack would be back in less than twenty two hours. the first thing namjoon did was grab the black hair dye from the cabinet and begin to bleach and dye his hair the slick black color.

while he was waiting for the dye to set he went into the kitchen to prep for his heat. he grabbed water bottles, protein and granola bars along with wet wipes and put them all in the nest.

he looked at the clock, seventeen hours left. he went to the bathroom and washed out his hair and then put in his favorite moisturizer and let it set, it smelled like his scent, so naturally he'd always use it.

namjoon had asked three of guards to take him to the city mall to get lingerie. namjoon was feeling more excited by the second but he could also feel his body heating up more and more as the hours flew by.

after returning from his extravagant shopping spree he saw there were twelve hours before his pack returns and eight hours before his heat began.

namjoon dried his hair, leaving it fluffy, soft and sweet-smelling. namjoon had smiled at the scent and decided to take a nap.

when he woke up he had eight hours before his pack came home and four hours before his heat began. he went to go take a bath and soak in his own beauty, scent and whatever soap he chose this time. he washed and soaked in the bathtub for about thirty minutes.

he got out and dried himself and used his favorite lotion, it was scentless, leaving his own scent to power through. making sure his skin is soft and smooth, he walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom and took out the bags of clothes he had just bought. he pulled out a box and opened it and inside was a pretty and light pink underwear.

he pulled it over his thick thighs and cute, plump butt and admired himself in the mirror. six hours left. he pulled on the matching thigh highs, which hugged his thighs perfectly. he pulled out the garter belt and snapped it around his small waist and clipped it onto the top of his thigh highs.

namjoon gasped before going under his bed and pulling out a cock ring before slipping it on himself and putting everything back into place. he slipped on a oversized light pink, tank top sweater so that it stopped right where the garter belt began but also gave him sweater paws.

he fluffed out his hair before looking in the mirror once more and applied cherry chapstick to his plump lips, letting them glisten. he put on a robe and ran outside and into the nest. his heat should hit any minute now.

namjoon took off his robe and laid down trying to breathe in and out slowly. the heat had began to rise in his body and his scent was intensified. he began to feel slick pool from underneath him. he pulled his underwear aside, already wet and pushed one finger inside himself slowly, moaning quietly in the process. he moved his finger in and out until he pushed a second inside, increasing his moans. he pushed in and out at every angle unto he hit his sweet spot. he pressed against the spot every time. namjoon felt his stomach tighten and he shuddered as he experienced a dry orgasm for the first time in two years.

"a-alpha..." he moaned out. he wanted his pack members to come and love him and cuddle him but also fuck him until he can't remember his name.

he heard the front door close and he sat up, panting. his pack was back earlier than expected. he heard yoongi dismiss all of the guards, having them leave their house. namjoon got up and picked up and put on his robe. he felt the slick slide down his legs as he left the room.

although he felt weak a wave of confidence rushed through him as he walked down the stairs. he heard his boys talking about the mission in the kitchen. before he got to the bottom of the stairs he dropped his robe to the ground and kept walking toward the kitchen.

"yeah and then i-" yoongi said before jungkook dropped his glass, breaking it. "jungkook what the fu- holy shit, princess."

all the boys turned their head in yoongi's  and jungkook's direction to see namjoon's tanned and smooth skin pressed against the buckles of the garter belt, his thighs being crossed as he stood there with his hair black and slightly sweaty, slick pooling down his legs.

namjoon walked over to jin and sat on his lap, grinding on him making jin close his eyes and bite his lip, muttering curse words. "i-i want you guys. all of you guys. my heat. it's too much." namjoon said through breathy moans.

"angel are you sure?" jimin asked and namjoon nodded saying yes over and over again, grinding harder onto jin's crotch.

jin picked namjoon up, not trying to hide hard in and carried him up to the nest the rest of the pack members behind him.


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