✧ sixteen ✧

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it's day seven and the boys began loading up on guns, grenades, knives and bullets to start their search

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it's day seven and the boys began loading up on guns, grenades, knives and bullets to start their search. they call along twenty-five of their most trusted body guards to accompany them.

yoongi was reloading his shotgun when hoseok walked in and chuckled. "shotguns are joonie's favorite weapon." hoseok sharpened his blade. "quick, easy, efficient and most of all super loud and messy." yoongi said remembering namjoon's words.

yoongi called everyone to the conference room and laid out a map of the first place they were going to. "okay so i want jimin, hoseok and jin at the entrance. taehyung and i will go through the back while kook will lead you guys through the side windows. if it's a threat, you shoot it. you all got it?" yoongi said while looking around.

"what happens if one of us encounters joonie or johnny?" jimin asked.

"is that a trick question?" jungkook said while eyeing jimin. "you kill him and free joon." jimin nodded & continued listening to yoongi explaining how they were to go about this plan.

all the men got in black SUVs having the one with the boys riding in it in the middle and the two filled with bodyguards were in the front and back as they drove off to the first location.

the sun was beaming down on them when they first got to the house. it was a secluded area in the middle of urban daegu. the boys surrounded the area before yoongi gave the signal and doors were kicked open and windows were shattered. when they walked in, guns high and ready, there was nothing. the place was empty and abandoned.

all the of the men searched the place for everything and anything and they got nothing. jin stood in the front of the building, propped up on the wall, running his hands through his hair. "it's still early in the day," taehyung said while approaching the older man. "we can probably still check more places out." jin nodded before yoongi whistled and all of the men came up to cars and yoongi explained the second
plan for the second estate.

this routine repeated four more times. "why is jaemin paying for these places if its abandoned. no one is using these places. not even stray animals." hoseok said. jimin sat up on the hood of the SUV and sighed loudly. he felt hopeless and defeated. jimin began crying softly. "what if he isn't in any of the places?" jimin said he wiping his tears.

"don't think like that, we'll find him." hoseok said, trying to encourage the boy. yoongi gave the whistle again and they were off unto the sixth place on the list.

when they finally got home, they went to the conference room and plopped in their chairs and hoseok kicked a chair across the room. "fuck! we didn't find anything! great plan pack alpha!" hoseok said while raising and shaking his hands.

"hoseok you've got to admit, it was solid plan." jungkook stated, playing with his fingers.

"since when are you on yoongi's side? what happened to 'i'm gonna kill him?'" hoseok scoffed. "our plan is like that thing! obleeck! when you make it, it's solid until you actually start to do it and hold it and play with it, it falls right through your fingers." hoseok's vision was getting cloudy, blurring with tears.

yoongi got up and walked up to a heavy breathing hoseok. he touched his face and wiped his tear. "it's gonna be okay..." yoongi began. he kissed hoseok softly on his lips and hoseok instinctively kissed back. "we are going to find him babes i promise." he kissed hoseok again and they both smile against each other's lips.

the rest watching the sweet moment between the two.

namjoon watched johnny write on some papers and then get up to go to a liquor cabinet and get a bottle of bourbon. he poured a glass for himself and when namjoon scanned his body, seeing keys hanging out his back pocket.

namjoon thought that one of the keys must be for his handcuffs. so he began to think of a plan. he thought he could persuade him. nope! he thought he could pretend he was hurt or going to hurt himself but he rejected the thought.

then the perfect idea came to his smart little mind.

"sir?" namjoon spoke up. johnny looked up to see namjoon, crossing his thick thighs and tracing the one on top with his finger. namjoon bit his lip and hooded his eyes and smiled at johnny.

johnny felt heat rise into his face watching the omega. he gulped before answering. "yes?"

"i want a kiss." namjoon jutted out his bottom lip. "please?"


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