From Fellow Fangirl: you better have food waiting, Nina.


     I get out of bed, able to hear Harry's voice from his room, and go into the kitchen.

Food... or not... fat... or not.

Hell yes,let's go with that brownie over there, damn.

I grab the brownie off the napkin, get the keys, flip flops and a dollar, and head out of thedoor. I literally look like walking shit, with my rat's nest hair, my t-shirt that I don't even remember how I got the random pink stain on, my phone, my pyjamama shorts,and the crowning jewel on my looking and feeling (but mostly feeling) like shit, the pretty little tampon that I have to wear.


This is so fab.

I get into the car, when I hear Ashlyn call,

"Can we carpool? I'm too asleep to dirve." She doesn't wait for a reply as she gets into the car,and I drive off. "I don't know what the actual fuck they do on those Skype sessions, and honesly, I don't wish to know." She says, letting her mousy brown hair from her bun and running her fingers thriugh it.

"You and I both know that those five need to bathe themselves in holy water, so this doesn't surprise me at all." I say,stopping at a stoplight. "One day, I seriously will drag Harry's ass to church."

"Amen to that." She replies, looking at her hair, "Brown is such a fucking boring color, ugh."

"No, blonde is boring to me. I've been thinking of dying my hair a lightish bluish color, but then I remember I'd look like something from a Crayola packet." She laughs as we start to pull into the parking lot, both of us getting out of the car,and closing the door. "I'd seriously look like a fucking crayon, like, I could look like I was on acid." We get to Nina's door, and we ring the doorbell.

"You guys are slow, damn." Jenna says,opening the door wider so Ashlyn and I can come in, and the smell of pizza and Arizona Sweet Tea hits us, "We're making breakfast. Pizza and Arizona, you guys want?"

"Yas, please." Ashlyn says, grabbing a slice of pizza out of the box on the island, putting it on a plate, and putting it in the microwave.  When it finishes, and the rest of us are already stuffing our faces, Ashlyn joins us at the table. "So who do you think the new vistior is?"

"Let's hope it's someone hot." Jenna mumbles,taking a swig of her sweet tea as I take another bite of my pizza. "Or just someone nice."

"I pray that whoever this is is better than Valerie." I chime in, and all of them nod in agreement. "Because if they aren't, tables are getting fucking flipped."

"Rocks will get thrown." Nina adds, "But we all know Gemma hates V-" Jenna cutsher off.

"You do realize that they are in the other room, and could possibly hear us, righr? We need a code name to talk about, y'know." We all nod in agreement, "So what's the name going to be?"

"BB. For Basic Bitch, who obiously puts on that BB Maybelline cream like she's paining the Mona Lisa." I suggest, and Jenna laughs.

"I knew there was a reason why I loved you." Ashlyn remarks, getting up to go get some more food. "BB it is, all in favor, say aye."

"Aye." All of us reply.

"As I was saying, Gemma hates BB, so she wouldn't get anyone like BB. Ash, you've known her, who would she invite.

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