"Ah, this black-haired guy told me to tell you something... I can't remember though" Namjoon knit his brows together and tapped his chin with his finger trying to remember, "ah- this old age is getting to me" the older let out a soft chuckle "anyways see you next Sunday, Mr. Romantic," The two said their goodbyes, but before Taehyung could leave he caught the attention again of some random women who chatted him up earlier in the night, he wasn't interested but decided to take her back to his place just fill the void for the night.

Was this what his life was going to be? Pointless one-night stands that never went anywhere and when they did, one of the two would call it quits without an explanation. Taehyung was tired, he was tired of being alone and having pointless relationships. He wanted someone to hold in his arms as he fell asleep and kiss them awake in the morning, make them breakfast and stay together on lazy Saturdays, he wanted someone to spoil with his riches and love. That was all a distant dream though; he was in love with love and even love couldn't return the same feelings towards him.

Sometimes Taehyung would wonder if he should listen to Namjoon and put himself out there. The older did meet the love of his life at a bookstore of all places, but he made it sound easier said than done. The two meeting was pure luck maybe even destiny.

The night passed in a blur and morning graced the red-haired man. The woman from the previous night gathered her clothes and left the apartment. Taehyung pulled on a pair of boxers and a robe, walking out onto his balcony and lighting a cigarette. He watched as the cars passed by on the street below, the morning's cool air nipping at his nose. God, he felt empty. He felt that something in his life was missing, he tried hard not to think that the missing piece of him was another person. Taehyung quickly put out his cigarette when he heard his phone ringing from his room. He slipped back into his apartment closing the balcony door behind him before hurriedly making his way to the annoying phone.

He let out a sigh before answering "Hello?"

Taehyung heard laughter from on the other end "Guy's shut up! Hey man, can you hear me?" His friend Hoseok spoke loudly "I'm gonna assume you can! Anyways, are you coming to the pub tonight? Joonie is having a party there, it'd be awesome if you came, Yoongi and I will be there, and so will Jin!" The man chirped.

"Ah shit, its tonight? I wasn't planning on going anywhere but... why the hell not?" Taehyung laughed. He needed a good night out with some good friends.

"Awesome! We haven't hung out in forever man, party starts at 8!" With that Hoseok ended the call.

Taehyung chuckled at his friend's sudden invitation to the party Taehyung had originally planned not to go to. Hoseok was a party animal and so was his boyfriend, Yoongi, surprisingly, he had met the two a few years back at a wild party being held just at the edge of Seoul, there were millionaires, and celebrities, he doesn't even remember how he got there in the first place. Hoseok was one of the many millionaires there with Yoongi hanging off of his arm like some trophy wife.

He doesn't get out much anymore anyways so partying tonight would be a bit of fun put back into his boring life.


The day passed and the time on his phone reading out 7:30pm. He had a good feeling for tonight, maybe tonight was the night he'd meet that special someone. He quickly ignored that thought though.

Taehyung decided he needed to look his best tonight so he took the opportunity to rummage through his closet for his best casual clothes. He settled for a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt that was a snug fit, tucked in, and black boots. He looked like a total heartthrob. Taehyung checked the time once more and saw it was ten minutes till 8. He checked himself out in the mirror before heading out of his apartment and down the street to the pub. He pulled out a cigarette and placed it between his lips, lighting it, and taking a drag.

The pub was already packed with people, the redhead made his way through the door and past people chatting it up and having a good time. He quickly spots Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok sitting at the bar chatting away with Namjoon.

"Long time no see!" Taehyung greets jokingly. Namjoon pours Taehyung a glass of whiskey.

"Thought you weren't gonna come, lookin for the love of your life tonight?" Namjoon teases.

"Ah, leave him alone Joonie!" Jin scolds "it's good to see you, Tae" the blonde smiles pulling him into a hug.

"Good to see you too," Taehyung chirps "and if you must know, Mr. Jung over here convinced me" Taehyung informs patting Hoseok on the back roughly.

Hoseok let out his famous loud laugh while wrapping his arm over Yoongis waist "I didn't think you'd come at all honestly! I'm glad you did!" Hoseok speaks excitedly while pinching Taehyungs cheek. Taehyung swatted the man's hand away and rubbed his cheek giving a soft chuckle.

Yoongi let out a small laugh while looking around as if he was trying to find someone "A couple of my friends are supposed to be coming" the small man smiles over at Taehyung "one's a real a cutie, he's just your type, Tae!"

Taehyung frowned, all his friends ever did was try and set him up with their friends. He wanted to find someone on his terms, he didn't need the help of his friends. As if on queue two men walk up to Yoongi greeting him and starting a conversation "Ah, Baekhyun this is Tae" Yoongi introduces the two before going back to a conversation with his other friend and Hoseok.

This Baekhyun guy was pretty cute, Taehyung must admit. The two chatted it up for a while about everything from what their careers were to tv shows, Baekhyun not seeming all that interested, he was a celebrity after all. When Taehyung mentioned he had quite the money Baekhyun seemed to have moved all his attention onto that. Taehyung frowned, he knew he shouldn't have mentioned that. Whenever he does, everyone reacts the same. The boy continued to talk Taehyung's ear off.

Taehyung looked around the pub trying to find an escape. He sees a familiar dark-haired boy enter the pub alone. It was the same boy from the night before dressed in a white oversized t-shirt with a black turtleneck underneath, the front tucked into a pair of jeans with the bottoms rolled up and black flats to pull the outfit together. Taehyung couldn't help but get butterflies in his stomach. The mystery man glanced over and made eye contact with Taehyung giving him a small smirk, disappearing into the sea of people.

Tonight was the night.

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