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Taehyung shot up, he looked around the room. The bright light from the windows blinded him. He look down and saw Jimin's arm wrapped around his body. He stared at the ring and started to panic. He slipped out from Jimin's hold and started to grab his clothes.

"Taehyung, wait-" Jimin called out, his voice tired. Taehyung had missed hearing it.

"I'm sorry, you're married- We should not have done this" Taehyung stared at all the marks he left on the olders body. Jimin sat there in a panic. He watched as Taehyung was hastily picking up his clothes, and tossing them on. Jimin was trying to figure out what he needed to do to make the younger stay.

"It's fake!" Jimin blurted out, he quickly hid his face in the covers.

Taehyung stopped in his tracks "W-What did you just say?"

"It's a fake ring..." Jimin mumbled into the covers. He felt the weight of the bed shift. Taehyung pulled the sheets away from Jimin so he couldn't hide.

"What do you mean it's fake?" Taehyung sat there trying to figure out why Jimin would be wearing a fake ring "So, you're not married to anyone?"

"N-No... I'm not married to anyone" Jimin shyly responded.

Taehyung rubbed his face "Why have you been wearing a fake ring? For how long?" Jimin stayed silent for a moment. His face heated up.

"I've been wearing it since you left..." Jimin whispered.

Taehyung felt his stomach flip "Since I left... Why?"

Jimin looked up at him, he bit his bottom lip nervously "Well, I-I said I'd wait for you..." he felt shy saying such a cheesy thing out loud.

"You're not married..." Taehyung muttered, he grabbed Jimin's hand and took the ring off of his finger "You don't understand-" he kissed Jimin's hand "how relieved I am to hear that~"

Jimin crawled onto Taehyung's lap and straddled him "I said I'd wait as long as you needed me to..." he leaned in and kissed Taehyung's lips "I wore the ring so people would leave me alone..." he cupped the younger's face "I thought about you every day... I wondered what you were doing, who you were seeing, and if you ever thought about me..."

Taehyung pulled Jimin in close "I thought about you every single day" he kissed the tip of Jimin's nose "Why didn't you tell me the first time we saw each other?"

"I didn't know how. I wasn't expecting to see you... You left so quickly as well I had no idea how I was going to tell you I wore a fake ring just for you" Jimin spoke looking away "I had no idea if you were even going to want me when you got back..."

"I'll get you an even better ring" Taehyung blurted out "I've always wanted you, since the first day we met, I fell in love with you."

"Tae-" Jimin was shocked at the sudden confession.

"I love you, Park Jimin" Taehyung smiled.

Jimin bit his bottom lip and started to cry "I love you too~"

"Why are you crying?" Taehyung chuckled, whipping the tears from Jimin's cheeks.

"I'm just so happy, you even said you'll get me a ring" Jimin sobbed out.

"I'll get you a big shiny one" Taehyung kissed Jimin again "With a big diamond on it" he peppered kisses on his hand "Should I get you one for every day of the week?"

Jimin shook his head, and lightly smacked Taehyung "Stop teasing me" he choked out.

"I hope you know I thought of you every day" Taehyung smiled "I knew I couldn't be angry at you forever... How could I be mad at someone I love so much?"

"I'll never forgive myself for hurting you..." Jimin frowned.

"I've forgiven you already, It's time to forgive yourself as well" Taehyung kissed Jimin gently "We have all the time in the world now, we have so much time to relearn each other and start fresh."

Jimin nodded with a small smile "I'd love that~"

"Only on one condition though" Taehyung frowned. Jimin felt his heart drop.

"What's the condition?"

"Only if you marry me and we grow old and grey together, we can start our own little family" Taehyung smiled.

"Of course, I'll marry you!" Jimin tackled Taehyung onto the bed "Nothing would make me happier than marrying you, Taehyung~"

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