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"Well, well, well" Jungkook spoke as Jimin walked through the front door "How'd the date go? Good, I'm assuming? You know since you've been gone all day"

Jimin smiled "It was amazing~ We got drunk but we didn't have sex which was a first for me!" he plopped down next to Jungkook.

Jungkook had a sly grin "I haven't seen you this happy in years, even when you were with Joo-"

"We don't speak his name."

"Sorry! I forgot your highness- Wanna order some food?" Jungkook changed the subject.

Jimin shook his head "Nope~ Already ate"

"Ooooh so dinner and breakfast? Where did you guys eat? Somewhere fancy for breakfast?" Jungkook teased.

"Well, I made breakfast for him" Jimin blushed "Last night he took me to this fancy steakhouse... Oh my god..."


"He's the son of the Kims, like chaebol Kims!" Jimin informed.

"How the hell?!" Jungkook stood up "I didn't even know they had a son! They were all over the News this morning for a new restaurant chain they're opening soon in the states!"

"In the states?!" Jimin was stunned. How the hell did he end up meeting someone like Taehyung, at that bar nonetheless.

"You better lock him up and throw away the key" Jungkook spoke, walking towards their tiny kitchen.

Jimin sat there for a moment, getting lost in his thoughts. Was he really good enough or even worthy to be getting involved with someone with such high standing? Jimin was just a waiter at a small diner. He nervously bit his bottom lip, making it bleed.

"Woah are you okay?" Jungkook asked.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine!" Jimin stood up quickly, with a big smile "Let's go out tonight!"

"That's what I'm talking about!" Jungkook cheered.

The two got ready and fixed each others outfits so they looked their best. They went into the kitchen and took some shots just to help themselves loosen up a bit.

"Wanna go to that club in Itaewon?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded "Of course! We always go there!" he stared at his phone, seeing Taehyung had messaged him.

"No, tonight no relationship, mushy stuff, we are going out for fun! You're still single don't forget that" Jungkook spoke, snatching Jimins phone away.

"Fine, But we better have fun" Jimin pouted. The duo grabbed everything they needed and left their apartment making their way to the train station.

They sat on the train talking away, Jimins phone going off every once in a while. He was too nervous to check it though as he knew how Jungkook could get.

"The crowd is insane tonight" Jungkook looked around, linking his arm with Jimins as they got off the train.

Jimin felt off for some reason "I know it's huge" he held onto Jungkook tightly to make sure they didn't get separated through the crowd. They made their way through the streets and finally made it to a building with lights flashing. Jimin wanted to text Taehyung back desperately, he didn't want it to seem like he was ignoring him. He let out a deep breath and pulled out his phone shutting it off. Tonight it was him and Jungkook.

They got into the club and immediately got drinks, Jimin felt like getting drunk. The two sat at the bar chatting and laughing away when two men approached them.

"Can we buy you two some drinks?" one guy asked.

Jimin was about to speak when Jungkook answered first "Of course! I'm Jungkook, this is Jimin!" he introduced over the loud music. The men introduced themselves and set down with them, ordering four drinks. Jimin talked to the man about nothing too important.

I wonder what Taehyungs up to.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick" Jimin informed Jungkook, downing his second drink before he walked off. Once he got into the quiet restroom, he pulled his phone out and turned it on. There were a couple of texts from Taehyung asking if he got home safe and to have a good night. Jimin bit his bottom lip and hit the call button.

The phone rang for a few moments "Hello?" Taehyungs voice danced through his ears, making his heart race.

"Hey" Jimin smiled "Sorry for not texting you back, my friend and I went out"

"Are you having fun?" Taehyung asked, his voice a bit quiet.

Jimin hesitated for a moment "Not really, I miss you- I mean no- I- Never mind" he blushed, shaking his head out of embarrassment "Sorry was this a bad time to call?"

Taehyung chuckled "I miss you too" he responded "No, you got me out of a boring dinner meeting. I should go back in" the two stayed silent, lingering for a moment "Call me when you get home, have a fun night, Jimin"

"I will" Jimin smiled.


"Yes, I promise" Jimin giggled. The two hung up, Jimin not exactly wanting to go back out. Someone else walked into the restroom with a drink. Jimin grabbed it and downed it "I'll buy you one later" he walked out of the restroom and back to the bar.

Jungkook was nowhere to be seen and neither was the guy he was with. But the one who Jimin was talking to still sat there. He stopped for a moment before mustering up a smile and sat down "Where did the other two head off to?" he asked.

The man jumped a bit "O-Oh they're dancing" he took a sip from his drink "Look, I can tell you're not interested in me" he chuckled.

Jimin frowned "No, it's not that! You're very handsome and seem like a great guy I just-"

"You have someone else?"

Jimin thought for a moment "Not really, I guess it's a wait and see" he smiled awkwardly.

The guy smiled "Well, let me buy you another drink and we can talk about it since I'm sort of in the same boat" he chuckled waving toward the bartender. Jimin gave a shy smile.

Before he knew it he was drunk and pouring his heart out.

"I don't even know what I'm doing at this point!" Jimin slurred, taking another drink. "He's so charming, with his handsome voice and kind eyes..."

"I think you should just be honest with him?" the man suggested, his own words sounding a bit sloppy. The night out became a drunk therapy session with a random guy.

Jimin sighed and finished off the drink "But, the sex was so good! What if it was just a fluke?"

"Then have sex with him again and see if your feelings stay the same?"

"No you're so right, I should call him right now! Thank you!" Jimin smiled, grabbing the man's hand and shaking it.

Jungkook walked back with his guy and pulled Jimin close "We're gonna get outta here" he smiled "Are you good to get home?" the younger not as drunk but still out of it.

"Yep, all good!" Jimin slurred. They parted ways, the man saying bye to Jimin and wishing him luck.

Jimin was on a mission.

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