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Taehyung stood in Namjoon's bar. The older insisted on a small welcome home party for Taehyung. He felt so overwhelmed being back in Korea. He took a deep breath as he watched everyone around him laughing and having a good time. This wasn't as small as he was hoping. In some way, in the back of his mind, he was hoping Jimin would be here.

"You okay?" Seokjin asked. The music was loud and overbearing.

Taehyung nodded and smiled "Yeah, I'm just gonna go outside and get some fresh air."

Seokjin eyed him, then nodded. Taehyung grabbed his coat and walked outside. The cool air cleared his mind. The music could still be heard outside. He rummaged through his pockets, trying to find his pack of cigarettes. He groaned when he couldn't find them.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?"

Taehyung glanced over to see a commotion going on at the bar next door. It wasn't any of his business. He glanced over one more time before going back inside and noticed a familiar face. His heart started to feel heavy, the air becoming suffocating, he rushed over and grabbed the man away.

"I'd prefer if you didn't touch him like that."

The man apologized and rushed away. Taehyung could feel Jimin's hand gripping his jacket. He turned around to see a ring sitting on Jimin's left hand. So many thoughts were running through his head.

Three years is a long time.

He fiddled with the ring, Jimin's hand shaking. Taehyung stared at the ring a little longer before pulling away when he heard Jimin speak his name.


When did Jimin get married? Was he happy? Taehyung turned and walked away, wishing the older the best. Taehyung knew it was too good to be true if Jimin waited all those years for him. He sighed and started walking home. He didn't want to be around anyone. Not after seeing Jimin.

Taehyung's phone started to ring, he picked it up immediately "Hello?"

"Where the hell did you go?" Hoseok yelled.

"Sorry, I started getting a headache. You guys have fun, I'll see you later" Taehyung pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up. He felt a small raindrop hit the tip of his nose. He crouched down and started laughing, feeling almost defeated. The rain started pouring harder.

Taehyung started to cry. He didn't know why, but seeing Jimin with a ring that he didn't give him broke his heart. He was ready to come back and find Jimin and start over. All of that went out of the window now that Jimin's heart belonged to someone else. He stood up and started walking again. That was probably the last time he would ever see Jimin again.

They would continue with their lives as if nothing ever happened. Those few months they spent together meant nothing, at least that's what Taehyung felt. To Jimin, Taehyung was nothing but a small blip on his radar.

Taehyung made his way home. He stood at the front of his apartment door and unlocked it. The silence threatened him in every way imaginable. He sat down on the couch and closed his eyes.

Why was Jimin the only thing engulfing his mind?

He shook his head and got up, he walked towards the bathroom and stripped himself of his clothes as the water heated. He wondered how Jimin had lived these past three years. Who was the person he shares his everyday with? Did they treat him with love and care?

Jimin seemed like a tough person, but he would crumble at the slightest touch. Taehyung hoped the person Jimin was with knew how to love him right.

Jimin had eroded Taehyung's edges. There was no one else that would ever take his breath away the way Jimin did.

The warm water sobered up Taehyung. He didn't even realize he had gotten a bit drunk from the party. He started to laugh at himself at how caught up in this situation he was. He shouldn't even be thinking about a married man.

All he could think about were all the nights he and Jimin had spent together. He thought about his soft skin, the way he would look when Taehyung would tease him.

Kim Taehyung, you're shameless.

He felt his length start to get hard as he thought of Jimin. He tried to think of anything else, he was desperate not to think about Jimin. But, he finally succumbed to his thoughts. He grabbed his length and started to stroke it. He let out a throaty moan, pumping himself faster.

Before he knew it he was coming to the thought of Jimin's face.

"What is wrong with me... It's like I'm back in high school" He spoke out loud before washing himself off and finishing up his shower. He couldn't get a wink of sleep that night, fearing that he would only dream of Jimin.

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