"My mom barely let me come to Florida, I don't think she's gonna let me go all the way across the country," Frank said and Jamia frowned. "I can ask but she'll probably say no."

"It's okay, I get it," Jamia said. "Linda is pretty protective."

"I have a proposition," Ryan declared. "We can't lose each other after high school, we are going to be lifelong friends. So, I have decided that once a year we will all come back here and just spend time together and party like how we were during our senior year, even when we're all old and have kids and are married and shit."

We all agreed and Brendon smiled.

"It's kinda funny that you bring that up," Brendon said. "The whole marriage thing."

Brendon sighed and set a ring box down on the table.

"Stop playing," Ryan said, his eyes watering.

"It's not an engagement ring, I just want to clarify that," Brendon said. "But it is a promise ring. A promise to each other that we will get married and be together forever."

Ryan picked up the box in his slim fingers, opening it to find the simple silver band.

"Oh, Bren," Ryan sighed. "I love it, it's beautiful. Thank you so much."

Ryan put the ring on his finger with his shaky hands.

"Oh, this is so cute," Jamia said. "You two are so perfect together, I know that you're gonna spend the rest of your lives together."

"Maybe that could be us one day," Pete said.

Jamia nodded, looking down at the menu.

"You wanna share something?" she asked. "I'm not too hungry."

Pete nodded and they chose what they wanted. The waitress came to take their orders before walking off again. Gerard reached over and smiled as he held Frank's hand across the table. Frank smiled and gently rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb. Lindsey eyed their hands but didn't say anything.

"You definitely need to come back to Brunswick more often, Gerard," Tyler said.

"Yeah, we really miss you up there," Patrick said. "Everyone misses you. Seriously, it's so sad and quiet at school now that you're not there anymore."

"At least call more," Tyler said.

"Yeah, I will," Gerard promised. "When's the prom? Maybe I can crash it."

"It's May 4th," Lindsey said.

"Oh, that's a week after our prom," Gerard said. "Yeah, I'm definitely gonna crash the prom."

"You don't even have to crash it," Lindsey said. "You can just come as my date and get in normally with a ticket."

Frank frowned at that option.

"Or you can come as my date," Tyler said. "We can be Dude Dates together."

"I would love to be your date, Tyler," gerard accepted.

Frank didn't mind gerard going with Tyler, he just really didn't want him going with Lindsey because he knew Tyler just wanted to go as friends while Lindsey most likely wanted to go as something more.

"We're gonna have a pre-game party at my house," Patrick said.

"We should do that," Ryan said. "Oh my god, we need to pre-game."

"Gerard and I actually had plans," Jamia said. "So we wouldn't be able to attend."

"Oh? What are you two doing?" Brendon asked.

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