Make Ups 😘🤤🤷🏽‍♀️

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Lark's Point Of View.

I toss and turn sleeping on the sofa as Chloe has my bed until she goes home on Wednesday. 13 Reasons Why is playing on the TV lowly, the only light is coming from the screen. It's hot as fuck so the covers are wrapped around my waist as I am dressed in nothing but an oversized Guns N Roses T-shirt that I got from a thrift store last year and haven't worn since.

I close my eyes trying to force myself to sleep when a feel a pair of freezing cold hands grab my arm that was placed above my head. I gasp, my heart beating hard, but slows down onceI realise that it's Brandon, which is when I sit back up.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you" he shares, sitting down on the sofa across from me.

"How did you get in?" I interrogate confused as fuck.

"The back door was open"

I tut "It must of been Tyree...anyways, what do you want from me? I'm not your girl remember?" I question, talking about when we was the basketball court earlier today.

"Oh sorry about that. I just wanted to apologise to you, shits crazy"

"Yeah, no shit"

"After the park a group of guys stole my chain and Jays, if it wasn't for the cops I could be dead right now"

"Well you walked off" I recall not trying to hear his bullshit after all the dumb stuff he's been doing since become friends with Flaco.

"I know I didn't want to hear them talk about who got to fuck you or not"

"Really? Or you wasn't trying to get home and get ready for your little date?"

"I wasn't gonna go anyways, I just wanted my drink back" she scoffs as the TV goes on stand by.

"Anyways as I was trying to tell you, I'm sorry, having a gun pointed at me had me really thinking, if I died today I wouldn't want to leave shit like this between us"

"Yeah, neither would I"

"Imma have to get my shoes back cause I can't walk around like this forever" He states so I look down to see him wearing slides.

"I need to..."

"Shouldn't you be telling Flaco? He's the one that got you the shit in the first place"

"Yeah, I will, I was wondering if we could forget about everything that happened between us and start over again?" He sort of questions.

"Wait. You want me to take you back after all the bullshit"

"I didn't mean to hurt you Lark, like, I fucked up but I was only trying to impress Flaco and them and I won't do it again, I swear"

"Okay, so when Flaco and them tell you to mess with another girl at the club, what are you gonna tell em?"

"No, I swear Imma make it up to you" he promises.

"Okay, but no more fuck shit" I warn as he nods, leaning over to kiss me. I lean over meeting his lips half way.

The following morning.

I wake up to hear birds chirping outside, the sun is out seeping through the blinds making some of it hit the centre of my face and in my eyes, the blanket is wrapped around my body. I lift my head off Brandon's arm as we both crashed on the sofa after making up last night. Everyone was right when they said we'll be back together by tomorrow. I look around before my eyes land on the clock. It's only 6:12am. I rub my eyes turning around to Brandon who is still asleep, sweat beaming on his face as he is wearing a whole hoodie.


"Hmm" he hums, his eyes still shut as I yawn.

"My moms about to come down soon for work"

He stretches, opening his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Quarter past six, your mom's probably bugging wondering where you are"

I tell him climbing off the sofa in my Calvin's. I grab my T-shirt off the floor and put it on. My stomach growling as I have the munchies. He sits up already dressed. I watch him put his slides on, the cut I put on his face and bruise from yesterday make him look cuter- more rough around the edges.

He grabs his phone that sunk into the sofa before turning to me, putting his arms around my waist.

"See you at school"

I nod, before he plants a kiss on my lips before leaving.

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