The Hills 🌄🌆⛰

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"Lark this is Chloe, Chloe this is Lark, you'll be staying with her and her family for the next week" Mrs Payton says as I look up at the girl. She looks like a walking Barbie, something out of a movie. She's dressed like Alicia Silverstone from Clueless.

"Hi" we both greet in union. I look down at bag, it's Channel matching her sneakers.

"Okay, so it's the end of the day, make sure y'all have fun and get to know each other, see y'all Monday"

"K, let's go Chloe" I tell her, leaving, making her speed walk to catch up to me.

"I didn't expect Compton to be like this"

"Why? What did you expect?"

"I don't know. I mean I've seen Straight Outta Compton cause this guy I liked fucked with Eazy E so heavy and that's all he would talk about months after it came out so I downloaded it illegally and watched it"

"Well that was the 80's, shits changed in the last thirty years" I tell her as we step outside, everyone stares at her, she's dressed head to toe in designer and if that's didn't make her stand out enough her blonde hair, blue eyes and valley girl accent definitely does.

"I hope you don't mind catching the bus"

"The bus, uh-uh, I got my car with me" she holds up her car keys.

"Oh, you've got a car?"

"It's not brand new, my dad was supposed to get me a Jeep for my sixteen, but he was being an asshole and gave me my sisters Range Rover and promised he would get me a Jeep next year, what a prick right?"

"Sure" I agree heading to her car.

Brandon's Point Of View.

"I forgot to ask, how you like your new Jays though?" Flaco questions before throwing some fries into his mouth.

"Good, thanks man"

"I told you, you can have whatever when you around me"

"How did you get em again?" I quiz.

"Aye don't worry about that ayt" I nod slurping my milkshake. Stacey is sitting at another table with some of their other homies, who I've met before.

"I got shot at the other night"

"Shit same" he chuckles, holding out his hand to dap me up.

"I was just wondering if it was connected. Maybe they saw the sneakers and assumed it was theirs"

"Nah, see the dude I got these from, he's gonna be in hospital for a long time"

I nod.

"Fuck that, what happened yesterday with Allegra?"

"Nothing, I told you I have a girl already"

"So nothing happened?" He repeats, drinking his milkshake.

"Well she tried to kiss me, but I backed up"

"Bro, what? If I was ya age, the shit I would do to that girl, she a freak"

"I don't care I love Lark"

Flaco starts bussing up, laughing excessively.

"Baby boy I have so much to teach you, we don't love these hoes, true love don't exist that shit was in the eighties"

"Yeah it does, we've been together a whole year and haven't broke up not once"

"Okay Trey Songz calm down, shit. I mean, I don't know why you would want to be in the same pussy for the rest of your life, your only sixteen now that's a long ass time" he comments.

"I didn't really think about it like that"

"Yeah. Don't worry I'll help you, if you help me"

"Yeah, how?"

"I have this bag of weed I need to take down to Oakland this Sunday, I know you was finna spend time with Lark on Saturday so you should be free on Sunday right?" he declares.

"Oakland? Man I haven't been to Oakland in years"

"Exactly, I know you have family out there, go see them, it'll be cool"

"Ayt, yeah"


"Yeah" I agree.

Lark's Point Of View.

I watch as Chloe puts her Louis Vuitton duffle bag on my bed.

"It's cute" she clearly forces the compliment looking around my bedroom.

"I know it's not what your used to but..."

"No, it's perfect thank you... who's this?" She questions picking up the photo of Brandon and I at the arcade in a glass frame that I keep beside my bed.

"Oh that's my boyfriend Brandon"

"Aww, you guys look cute" she responds putting it back down.

"Thanks, if you wanna put on something a bit more comfortable the bathrooms on the left, not the right that's my brother, Tyree's room and you might see something you wished you hadn't"

She chuckles "I have to get good use out of this outfit before I sale it online, that's my side hustle"

"Oh, alright then" I state as it falls silent.

I hear a knock at the door so I go over to open it to see my mom.

"I brought you up a drink" she admits, allowing herself in.

"This is just like Mean Girls" Chloe acknowledges sitting up on the bed.

"These are definitely non alcoholic and these tities are all me" she tells Chloe who giggles accepting the drink. Mom hands me the drink, I sip it.

"Are you sure these are non alcoholic?"

"Okay, maybe there's a dash of Vodka, but I couldn't find a good recipe without it"

I shake my head as we chuckle.

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