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-John's POV-
"Freddie, why don't you go out with your friends today?" I suggested so I could get him out of the house. I need to plan his party.

I needed to call everyone to make sure people could come. It was bad enough that the kids were going back to school but if people couldn't make it, then it's all going to be ruined.

"Why?" He asked stubbornly. I hated it when he did this. I lied, "You haven't seen them for a long time. Go see them!" He did an eye roll but agreed to go out.

I made sure when he left that the friends he'd go out with weren't the ones I would be calling to make sure they could come. I was thinking cleverly.

When he walked out, I grabbed his book of numbers. I called every single one of them.

One stood out. It said 'Jim Hutton' which didn't bother me. What did bother me were the hearts around the name. I thought I was Freddie's one and only. Now I realise I'm just one of his side boys.

I cried until he came back. He saw me sat there crying and ran over, "What's happened babe?" I couldn't look at him.

"Who is Jim Hutton!?" I yelped. He was in shock but explained, "It's my ex boyfriend. How do you know?"
"I saw his name in your p-phone book. He has hearts all around his name which m-m-made me think that you have multiple b-b-b-boyfriends..." I stuttered anxiously.

He gave me a little hug and kiss and told me, "I love you and only you. Nobody will compare to you..." It made me feel much better but I don't fully believe it. I whispered to him, "I love you too..."

I need to find this Jim Hutton.

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now