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July 9, 1983
-Roger's POV-
"Are we going to do a video for I Want To Break Free?" I asked when we came up the studio. It had been three days since John's grand reveal of the amazing song. Brian nodded, "Definitely. I think it should be different to the other videos though..."

"More extravagant?" Freddie asked. I shook my head as did everyone else.
"More crazy?" John suggested. I shook my head again. A light bulb went off. Before I could stop myself I blurted our, "What if we did it in drag?"

Their eyes all widened as they stared at me. I felt embarrassed. I stuttered, "I-it was a s-s-stupid idea..." Freddie stopped me from saying anything by shouting, "It's a fucking great idea! I love it. Drag is a great idea!"
"How camp can you be, Freddie?" said a little voice. John.

I giggled at him. It was very normal for Freddie to be camp but abnormal for someone to comment on it. It was funny.

After a while, Freddie and John decided to leave. Fred mouthed to us, "Meet me tonight. 11pm." He was planning something for John. Very romantic.

We went to pick our children up from school. We decided to put them back there since we didn't have enough time to homeschool them. Adeline jumped into the car first and said loudly, "Hi! I've had such a great day! I have new friends and even have a boyfriend!" She was only 5.

Then we picked up the moody 8 year old from his school. He had become very emo with hair just like me and a mix of features from us both. Mainly Brian's. He was very alone though. He hadn't had a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend.

He was very moody when he got in. I smiled, "How was your day?" He scoffed, "Why do you care? It was shit."
"Mind your language around your sister! You shouldn't be swearing anyway!" He rolled his eyes.

He was such a teenager already. What happened to my beautiful boy?

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now