3- Rocco

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I smirked at the girl stripping in front of me.  


She did as she was told.

I felt myself getting excited.


She came closer to me and straddled me.

I wrapped my hand around her throat.

"What's your purpose?"

"To pleasure you."

"And what are you going to do after you pleasure me?"


"Good girl."

I flipped us over and took off my shirt.

"Now, what do you say?"

She looked at me and bit her lip.

"Please.", she whimpered as she wrapped her legs around me.

I was unbuttoning my jeans when the door opened.
                                                                                     "I'm busy."

Her clothes were being thrown on the bed.

"Out.", I heard my friend, Drew, say.

She rolled from under me and grabbed her clothes. She brushed passed Drew.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because you have bigger problems than a boner."

"Like what?"

"Lucas realized that someone broke in last night. The garage window is broken."

"What? What was stolen?"

"That's the thing. They didn't take anything. They just left behind a folder. You need to see this."

I put on my clothes and followed him down to my office.

My bodyguard, Lucas, was already there. He handed me the folder.

My eyes widened.

"I have to go."

"What? Do you know who did this?", Drew asked.

I walked out of my house and got in the car.

I began driving and my heart beated heavily in my chest as I took a familar route.

What the hell is happening? Who is doing this?

Once, I reached my destination, I picked the folder back up and pulled out two pictures and the note out and put the rest in my glove box.

I didn't even knock. I walked right into his house.

"What the hell?", Joey yelled.

He looked the same. Same skinny frame. Same messy dirty blond hair.

He was sitting on the couch, holding Nina.

I looked passed him and saw Jennifer. Despite me bursting through the door, she greeted me with a warm smile.

"Rocco.", she said as she came over to hug me.

"Hey, Mama Jenn.", I said as I hugged her back.

"Why are you here? Why now?", Joey spat.

I held up the two pictures.

His eyes widened.

"He's going after you too."

He took the pictures out of my hands. One was of his sister, Josie, him and I. The other was of me standing in Joey's house nearly eight years ago. Both pictures seem to be taken from the outside.

"Whoever is doing this has been watching us for a while. That picture was taken the day I moved into your house when I was 16. I was wondering if you could think of who would do this."

I handed him the note.

He read aloud.

The gang will soon be together again.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?", Nina said.

"He's going to go after Neal and Jesse.", Jennifer said.

"We have to warn them.", Joey said.

"They don't want to hear from us."

"I don't care what they want. They're in danger, Rocco."

"Alright. Let's go."

Joey kissed Nina and we got in my car.

"Do you remember the address?"

I nodded slowly.

I put the car in drive and drove to the next town over.

25 minutes later, we reached their apartment building.

Joey rushed to the door and I followed him.

We ran up the stairs and went to the door.

I banged on the door. No answer.

I looked at Joey. He looked nervous.

We both began knocking fiercely on the door. No answer.

Joey turned the knob and the door was unlocked.

We walked into a dark apartment. I turned on the light and gasped as I saw how the apartment looked. The apartment was trashed. The couch was turned over and the TV was busted.

"Neal! Jesse!", Joey yelled.

We heard footsteps behind and turned around to see Neal standing in the doorway.

"What the hell!", Neal said.

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