24- Lilly

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I sat in the media room with Neal, Jesse, Malcolm, and Nina, waiting for Josie and Rocco to return with Joey.

"What's taking so long? They should be back by now.", Nina said anxiously.

"It's a big ship it might take a while to find him."

"We should go help look then.", said Neal.

"No, they could come back any second. Just be patient.", Jesse said as he grabbed Neal's hand.

Suddenly, the screen turned back on and showed Josie, Rocco, and Joey all in one room together. Joey was sitting down and was crying. Rocco and Josie was comforting him.

"This is live. Why are they showing us this?"

Behind us, the door to the media room slammed shut and we heard a lock click.

Malcolm went and tried the door, but it didn't move.

"Why did they lock us in here?"

Nina's eyes went wide and she looked back at the screen.

"So, we can't help them. He needed to get the three of them alone.", she said.

I looked up when the sound turned on.

"What if we don't find he- them?", Malcolm said.

"Oh my god.", I said as I saw a man walked in holding a gun. The three of them jumped up and Joey and Rocco pushed Josie behind them.

I turned around after the man pointed his gun at them. I couldn't bear to watch what would happen next. I heard a loud bang as the gun went off.

"No!", I heard Malcolm say.

"What happened?", I asked, afraid to turn around.

"They cut the visual. W- We couldn't see who got shot.", Neal said.

I turned around and saw the black screen.

"We have to get out of here. They need us.", Nina ran towards the door and began trying to push it open.

I walked over and pulled two hair pins out of my hair. My hair fell down to my shoulders after being released.

I jerked the hair pins inside the keyhole until I heard the lock click.

I twisted the doorknob and it opened.

"Where'd you learn that?", Neal asked.

"Josie taught me.", I said with a sigh.

"We're going to find them, Lilly.", Nina reassured me.

"I can't lose her. I can't. That girl has been a sister to me since the day I met her. I am who I am because of her."

"Trust me, we know exactly how you are feeling right now, Lilly. Josie has always been a little sister to us and I hate to say it, but Rocco and Joey will always be my brothers. I don't know what I'd do if I lost any of them again, but we can't think like that, okay? We need to be strong for them.", Jesse said.

I nodded as tears rolled down my face. The four of them wrapped their arms around me.

"Okay, let's go find them.", I said as we pulled away.

"Alright, Malcolm and Lilly, you two go upstairs. We'll look down here."

We nodded as Neal, Nina, and Jesse walked away from us.

Malcolm and I began searching the upper level of the ship.

"Who do you think it was that got shot?", Malcolm spoke.

I looked at him and noticed how pale he looked.


"What if she's gone?", his voice cracked.

"You heard Jesse. We can't think like that. Fear isn't going to get us anywhere."

He nodded and wiped a tear that fell.

"Come on."

We began opening every door that we could see.

We couldn't find a trace of them.

As we walked out of an empty suite, we saw Nina and Jesse running down the hall.

"Lilly, Malcolm, come on. We think we found something.", Jesse said.

They led us to a suite downstairs. There were bloody shoe prints going down one of the halls and seemed to start at one of the suites. Jesse led us inside the suite. Inside was Neal, who was standing over a pool of blood.

"Oh my god."

"We need to find them asap. Whoever got shot is going to bleed out without proper medical care.", Neal said.

I looked at Malcolm, whose eyes were glued to the pool of blood.


He bent down and picked up something shiny out of the blood.

"What are you doing?",Jesse asked him.

He dangled it in front of me and I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach.

"What is it?", Neal asked us.

I rolled up my sleeve, showing them the bracelet on my wrist.

"It's Josie's bracelet. We have matching bracelets and we never take them off."

The TV in the corner turned on.

"Oh my god."

On the screen was Rocco cradling a lifeless Josie in his arms.

"Please, you can't leave me. Don't leave me, baby.", Rocco cried.

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