After running out of things to do, we decided to go home.

"Niall, baby good to see you!" My mom said as we entered the house.

"Hello Liz, what's the craic? You good?"

"Yes, thank you! Where have you guys been? Stace, a guy was looking for you a while ago, I believe he's the son on THE Mr. and Mrs. Malik? He says he's your friend?"

"Um yeah mom just friends."

"Well I know that because Harry's your boyfriend, bunny, but why was he here?"

"He needed help with a.. project so... yeah. I'll just talk to you later!" I said while running up the stairs, leaving my mom with Niall.

They never run out of things to talk about.

I texted Zayn as soon as I got up to my room but when I checked his phone (I still had it), I had 7 missed calls.

Hasn't he heard of the word 'texting'?

I texted him and said that I was okay with tonight's friendly date.

He replied with the classic:

See you tonight ;)

and I don't know what I'm supposed to feel.

Lately I have been like that. I always don't know how and what to feel in certain situations. Maybe I just realized that feeling something would mean getting too attached to the situation.

I don't even know anymore.

I logged in on twitter and saw Harry tweet some random tweet that no one would ever understand. He's always like that. Sometimes I just want to ask him what those tweets mean but that just defeats his purpose, so I just leave him be.

I find it cute. Everything he does just makes me fall harder.

As usual, his "admirers" were flooding him with tweets. This happens everytime he goes online. People tweet him random things in order to get noticed.

I went to check Zayn's youtube page and saw that his video about Perrie already has reached more than a thousand views since this morning.

Wow, he really is getting a lot of attention for a guy who hasn't shown his face in all of his videos.

I checked the comments section to see if someone from school has seen the video. Lucky for him, there wasn't. Or maybe Perrie has, she just didn't leave a comment just so it wouldn't look like she was stalking him.

I gave one last thought to whether I was going to meet Zayn and push through with the "friendly date" tonight. We need this, just in case we get switched again, at least we'll get know each other more.

To be honest, I don't really know how I feel towards Zayn right now. Sure, he pisses me off from time to time, but somehow I feel like he's really trying to make an effort to make things work between us, especially when we're in each other's bodies.

I also couldn't explain the feeling I get whenever I look into his eyes. It feels kind of invasive because somehow it feels like he's reading my thoughts with the way he stares at me.

Okay, I've really got to stop imagining.

I walked down the stairs and saw that Niall, my mom and my stepdad just sat up from the couch.

"You're leaving?" I told Niall.

"Yes, but I'll be back in two weeks so don't miss me too much okay?"

"Okay." I said as I kissed him on the cheek. We hugged each other and then we walked him to the door and we waved until his car was out of sight.

My mom told me that she was going on a dinner date with my stepdad and will be home tomorrow morning, so I asked for her permission to go out with my friends. I don't really know what to tell her since I don't know where we were going, so I just made something up.

She said yes because she said it was nice that I was making new friends in my new school.

I love my mom. Oh, if only she knew.

I walked into my closet to find something to wear. I put on the dress that I bought a few months ago. It was a beige-colored dress which flows down until about one inch above the knee. I still remember the moment when we first saw this at the mall. We were looking for a present for Georgie's cousin when she saw it. She said it was something a princess would wear and that I should definitely buy it, just in case. She knows how to use words that would instantly make me decide right away, so I bought it.

Now here I am, standing in front of my mirror, thinking of how thankful I was of Georgie. I should probably text her about tonight, but I know she's going to rush in here and insist to do my hair and makeup, and Georgie tends to get overly excited over these things and I don't wanna look like I'm going to the prom, so I'll probably just text her when I get back home.

I called Maria up to my room to fix my hair just to make sure it looks okay. I put on a bit of mascara and some lip gloss when I heard Zayn's phone buzz.


Just when I was about to reply, I heard the door bell ring.

I put my phone in a small bag and took one last look at myself in the mirror. I'm usually not conscious about my appearance, but hey, I don't want to look like a fat, uncut, unpeeled potato beside someone who's like french fries!

I took a deep breath as I went out of my room.

There he was, sitting on the couch, waiting for me to come down.

He was wearing a white button-down, long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up. It's the first time I've ever seen him like this and I probably couldn't stop smiling but deep inside, I really wanted to cry.

He was looking at me with those eyes. I couldn't find any other phrase that would describe him, he just looks like a prince who's also an angel but you know that deep inside, he's that bad boy you would love to hate.

I walked down the stairs, breaking our eye contact. When I got down, he just stood up and looked at me again. We weren't even close but he could probably hear my heart beat.

This feels like prom, I thought. But then again, I've never experienced prom, but it probably feels like this. Only I probably won't be going with him, and my parents aren't here to witness this.

I was so scared of looking at him because I feel so ashamed, like I do not deserve to be seen by someone as beautiful as him. He took my hand and said,

"You look... nice." He said in a cocky manner.

"Thanks! You don't look so bad, either. It's... different." I said as we were walking out of the house.

It's gonna be an interesting night.

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