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This one morning had been so stressful, what with Hanbin going missing, finding Hanbin, that whole talk, then the others ambushing them with Yunhyeong stuffing the ramen into Hanbin's mouth and Junhoe drank the energy drink himself, saying he was drained enough to need it.

"God, I love you, I love you," Yunhyeong groaned, hugging Hanbin so tight that it was a miracle that the younger wasn't seeing stars, and then it was like a queue built up for Hanbin hugs, with a few punches in between until Hanbin was permanently whining. Junhoe was late on the hug. Him and Hanbin just stared at each other for a while, unblinking, until Hanbin grinned and opened his mouth to speak and only then did Junhoe pull him into a hug, pressing his face into Hanbin's neck before quickly pulling away and beyond everyone's expectations, he didn't punch him. Hanbin looked pleasantly windswept.

"I hope you're okay, idiot," Jinhwan sighed, leaning up to kiss Hanbin's forehead and dump his jacket onto the guy too on top of Jiwon's. Hanbin smiled weakly, both of them meeting foreheads and closing their eyes for a split-second like second nature.

"Love you, hyung. I'm sorry."

"What did you guys talk about for so long? You're, like...glowing," Donghyuk said to Jiwon, a mock-disgusted look on his face and Jiwon rolled his eyes, punching the other in the arm which had Donghyuk grinning. "There we go."

"Just happy. And sleep-deprived."

"I get tha-" There were suddenly yelps and a crash and they both looked to the source with wide eyes, which happened to be Hanbin groaning on the floor while Chanwoo lay on top of him so they were a cross, laughing his head off while Jinhwan rested a hand on his head in "these morons" embarrassment and Yunhyeong patted his back. Hanbin looked ready for death but he still patted Chanwoo's head and Chanwoo beamed, waving hi.

"God, I love my idiots," Hanbin mumbled, laughing painfully when Donghyuk piled on him too and maybe Jiwon was the only one to hear that but it made his insides light up. Yeah, they were all Hanbin's. Their leader. Their friend. He did so much for them and Jiwon could only hope that this kind of thing would show them how much they all loved him too, to Mars and back and would worry about him to the point of delirium.

"Your idiots love you too," Jiwon whispered in his ear ten minutes later right before they got into the car and Hanbin heated up a little, grinning uncontrollably without being able to meet Jiwon's eyes.

"I know you do...but thanks, hyung."

Jiwon didn't know when he had last smiled so hard. That was the best answer he could have ever asked for.

They didn't tell anyone what happened. Or, they didn't exactly disclose what happened, only that there was a 'conflict of feelings' which could only be translated as a fight according to how the others reacted, except for Junhoe who was completely silent. The most that happened was when Jiwon was driving and Hanbin (who Jinhwan had nobly sacrificed shotgun for) took hold of his hand gently, kissing the back of it and Jiwon's heart swelled to the brim. They shared smiles and the most lovey looks but said nothing.

Jiwon was stressing during the entire ride about what was going to happen when they got home. Jinhwan and Yunhyeong would definitely not let Hanbin go anywhere but to bed, but...Jiwon wanted to talk to him more. He wanted to ask what was okay and what he couldn't do, what this would all mean, what was going to actually change. At the least, he wanted to be with him. Stare into his beautiful eyes a little until one of them got shy, hold hands and be blushing teenagers in love instead of grown men with jobs that consumed them. He didn't want their last encounter of the night to be exchanging knowing looks over Jinhwan dissing the radio's song choices (because early morning radio was always the worst).

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